PAS did not sink after members' exodus, why should Umno, Shamsul tells Hadi

Umno information chief Shamsul Anuar Nasarah says PAS should be familiar with Umno's current troubles, having seen its members depart en masse to form Amanah in 2015. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 25 2018.

UMNO information chief Shamsul Anuar Nasarah has told the PAS president not to fret over Umno’s current situation, as the party was not going through anything that Abdul Hadi Awang’s party hasn’t.

There’s no need to worry about Umno, Shamsul said In a statement in response to Hadi, who had earlier called Umno a “sinking ship” that could take PAS down with it should the two parties join forces.

Shamsul said PAS had previously also seen its members depart en masse, to set up Amanah in 2015. He said the Islamist party survived the exodus as Umno, too, would survive the mass defection of members.

“To the PAS leadership, there is no need to worry about Umno as what Umno is experiencing is similar to the exodus of leaders from PAS when Amanah was set up in the past.

“Even though there is Amanah, PAS remained strong. Similarly, even though a number of Umno elected representatives have left the party, we are confident that Umno will remain as it is.

“Umno will continue to hold on to its ideology and be a champion of the people’s interests and we will surely wrest back those seats,” he said in a statement today.

He said claims that Umno had been left paralysed by the defections to Bersatu were wrong, as there were still many members who had stayed on. 

As for those who had left, he said the party did not need members who lacked loyalty and commitment.

He urged those who remain to focus on helping the party to return to power.

“Umno members should not worry about the changes in the party”. – December 25, 2018.

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  • Umno had actually lost its direction and cause. That was the main lifeline holding the partys existence together. It has now been disintegrated and thats why there are so many differing views and agendas, etc.
    Umno has lost it!

    Posted 5 years ago by TTs Take · Reply

  • The biting comments from the devil disciple is now entering the phase of dog eat dog. When they have nothing to chew on PH , they will turn on each other savagely. Both are born loser party now.

    Posted 5 years ago by Lee Lee · Reply

  • Hahaha..Both parties experienced exodus of members.. both will sink.

    Posted 5 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply