Merdeka and road safety

AS Malaysia celebrates 66 years of freedom, we reflect on our journey – from strides in governance and economic leaps to the roads we traverse daily.

But as we progress in the automotive world, our driving manners seem adrift. Let’s dive deeper.

Our streets brim with motorists, many of whom bypass traffic rules.

They’re not just a few isolated incidents; it’s a widespread attitude of ignoring regulations. 

These offenders jeopardise not only their  safety but also set a dangerous tone for the newer generation.

Our youth, our future, observes and absorbs these perilous driving patterns.

Instead of inheriting values of caution and consideration, they are thrust into a world where recklessness is the norm.

The repercussions of such driving mindsets are grave.

Beyond rising accidents, Malaysia confronts an uptick in road hostility and disputes.

Lost lives

Annually, over 7,000 people are killed on our roads, pushing Malaysia to a regrettable global standing in road deaths.

The solution could lie in digital advancements.

Malaysia could go online for all vehicle-related matters, from simplifying auto tasks to adopting efficient online models like the UK’s DVLA. We can reinforce regulations and foster a renewed sense of duty in drivers.

Reviving Kejara

Introduced in 2017, Kejara, or Kesalahan Jalan Raya, is a points system to hold traffic offenders accountable.

Its implementation since 2018 has been lukewarm.

It is high time we launched a vigorous campaign and enforced the Kejara strategy.

The threat of licence revocation might be the jolt drivers need to respect road norms.

With Kejara, coupled with determination and the right resources, Malaysia has the potential to reshape its driving ethos to prioritise safety and respect.

The threat of hitting the 40-demerit point limit, resulting in a driving ban for a period of time, could be the much-needed reality check.

Here’s to a safer celebration of Merdeka. – August 29, 2023.

* Rosli Khan reads The Malaysian Insight

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