Pakatan is no BN and I’m no Najib, says Dr Mahathir

Chan Kok Leong

Dr Mahathir Mohamad says he never set up 1MDB or stole money from government coffers. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Nazir Sufari, January 30, 2018.

THERE are no similarities between Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional, and the #UndiRosak campaign is an attempt to stop young people from voting, said PH chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“The campaign is an attempt to prevent young people from voting. Normally, young people will not vote for BN and will vote for the new party. The campaign says that there is no difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

“And if you come to that level (of understanding) it shows that you don’t understand it at all, as there are a lot of differences.

“And I don’t think in my time, I set up 1MDB or stole money. So, between me and (Prime Minister) Najib Razak, there is no similarity. Between PH and BN, there are also no similarities,” said the opposition bloc’s prime minister-designate during a press conference at the Bersatu head office in Petaling Jaya today.

He said PH has a track record and has always been concerned with Malaysia’s progress.

Dr Mahathir was asked what he thought of the ongoing #UndiRosak campaign started by some activists.

Those behind the campaign are calling on unhappy voters to stay out of the polls or cast spoilt votes in protest over the apparent lack of choice or poor quality of candidates in the next election.

Besides the #UndiRosak tag, #ProtesPRU and #GEProtest are also trending on social media.

Last Sunday, Prime Minister Najib Razak blasted the campaign as contradictory to the democratic system in Malaysia. Today PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said it was against Islam.

Dr Mahathir, who was prime minister 22 years, said PH has not formed the government yet, and if voters compared the manifesto they will present, it is very different from BN’s.

He said most young people have never lived under his administration.

“Young people have never lived under any other regime apart from Najib. And for them, Najib is the standard and he says that all the governments of Malaysia were like that.

If all the governments of Malaysia were like that, then this uprising of the people would have happened before.

Dr Mahathir admitted that there was dissatisfaction with previous governments, but not to this extent.

“So, these young people, having only known Najib’s regime, cannot make a comparison with the past. But the older people know the difference. But it will take time explain to the younger generation that it is not about Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

“It is a very serious matter that concerns their future. So, we will try to explain it to them,” said the 92-year-old. – January 30, 2018.

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  • Any one of Kelantan, Sarawak or Sabah can decide Everything for the nation AND themselves by giving victory to Pakatan Harapan in their state. Just one of them and UMNO/BN will fall.

    Posted 6 years ago by Bigjoe Lam · Reply

  • Pakatan is the Parti Pembangunan, UMNO/ BNis the Parti Dedak

    Posted 6 years ago by Bigjoe Lam · Reply

  • It's time Pakatan take the title of Parti Pembangunan and give UMNO)BN their title of Parti Dedak.

    Posted 6 years ago by Bigjoe Lam · Reply

  • At least this time people who rose against the government are not simply shoved into prison without trial (ISA ring any bells).. Of course there was no 1MDB during your time. You were the boss. All you had to do was instruct Petronas/Khazanah etc.. to fork out money to bail out your sons from going bankrupt. Known fact.

    Posted 6 years ago by Sarawak Observer · Reply

  • I admit when i see pakatan and BN, i think they are basically the same. Yes , i agree that that Dr. Mahathir did not set up something like 1MDB or stole money, but that 1MDB and stealing money is not what i am thinking about, when i think that BN and pakatan are alike.

    When i think that BN and pakatan alike, i am thinking that Pakatan like BN also is clueless as to why there is so much negativity amongst Malaysians - like why we feel such a sense of hopelessness when we think of our fellow malaysians and why we keep having this suspicion that we will become worse tomorrow than the way we are today, or have any idea as to how alleviate the any of the problems that malaysians face - especially the ones having to do with lowering opportunities and rising cost.

    When i look at the pakatan people , i am sorry but a lot of them just look and sound like the people from BN - they will promise the moon and the starts today, but when they are unable to live up to their promises tomorrow, they will just act like nothing happened. Something about the way they look and behave also makes you feel that though they say they are offering thelselves as candidates to help you, you cant help but suspect that in truth they are offering themselves as candidates basically to help themselves.

    When i look at pakatan, i also don't see the sort of people who are going to be against corruption as a matter
    of principles. The people in pakatan i am sorry to say, don't really strike me as people who will feel ashamed of taking a lot for doing a little or find the ambition to make as much money as possible in the shortest time possible is not an ambition that one can be proud of.

    I think if i vote pakatan, and it probably will if i do go vote, which i am not sure if i will, i will do so because i am tired of the excesses of BN, not because i am confident that voting pakatan is the right way forward.

    Posted 6 years ago by Nehru Sathiamoorthy · Reply

    • My friend , just a little reminder . Altantuya , Kevin Morais ...... , there is no equivalency between PH and BN . One is so drunk on power they no longer have any empathy for the people , the other aspires to pull Malaysia back from the abyss , to bring reason back into Malaysian politics . Look at how the MACC crack down on PH leaders when there is really no case against them at all , if the same level of scrutiny was applied to BN , they would all fall . We have a Prime Minister who claimed those billions that showed up in his account was a donation from the Saudi's to win an election , surely you must see that as selling our sovereignty to the Saudi's ? Let's say the PM was lying and it was in fact the money from 1MDB then he is a thief - which one is it - did he sell our sovereignty or is he the biggest thief in Malaysian history who then pandered to religious extremists to keep the population divided and in fear . Let's not forget under whose watch did clerics such as Zakir Naik get a foothold in Malaysia , this is a man who has been implicated in inspiring global terrorist attacks , is that what you want for Malaysia ? Don't ever forget what Najib said when we first saw the emergence of ISIL , perhaps his Western backers told him to retract his words quickly but we saw his true feelings . Dissent is natural and healthy in a democracy but it has become a very frightening thing to do in Malaysia . .

      Posted 6 years ago by Horas returns · Reply

    • When you don't give a chance, how do you know it won't work? If everyone has the same thinking and don't vote, you are giving Najib a blank check to do as he pleases. Look as how the cost of living has impact our lives. It can only grow worse if the present govt continues to rule.

      Posted 6 years ago by Brandy henderson · Reply

  • Just wondering what do Undi Rosak, Protest PRU or whatever concoctions that the youngster have coughed out. What is there in this unbelievable actions hope to achieve?????. In fact the campaign has been hijacked by UmnoBn who is taking this ploy to its height to ensure their victory. Well.... lets dwell a little bit into this radical actions that is protesting against the election. The ultimate aim is still unconclusive for this campaign does not matter as to who to win the election.????? Right now the young generations and some angry masses want to be noticed and in the commanding position to make a statement. It does no matter where the country is heading. Realistically many of them are maybe jobless and no where to make some dime to live a life but still depending on Daddy 'O to provide handouts or waiting for BRIM . Some maybe independent and working but still holds lots of anger in not having to make ends meet and terrbly feeling frustrated in not on par with those affluent kiddos. So...totally fed up that both the political fronts are not reall any help at all. The only idealistic approach and a way of expression is to hell with the freaking election. Boycott voting will hopefully change something. Sorry mate!!! life has never been fair and you have to work it out and make choices . Pursuing in this form of being renegades , well.......... what a waste of youth energy and loss of rationalization. Actions of no substance just to make a point in the existence. Actually it reminds us all of James dean in 'Rebel' All of us have gone thru that in our journey of our lives but in the end when it comes to the crunch basic survival holds precedence. To all those who like to partake in this Undi Rosak , get a grip and give a long thoughts to ponder what your unfortunate actions will lead to. At this juncture there is no luxury of a learning curve where your wrongful actions can be amemded by circumstances. The damage is permanently deep and irreversible dragging the country down. It is unfathomable and dreadful to even have a thoughts that all the parents in this country who are already at wits end, working very hard work to make a decent living and hoping to upgrade their children lives thru a decisive change in the regime of governance are now being dashed by none other than their own off springs and others in the reckless emotional actions of no values and basis. What a shame!!!!!

    Posted 6 years ago by Lee Lee · Reply

  • It is like a coin - one is a face and one is the rectum. Both are corrupt!!

    Posted 6 years ago by Chris Ng · Reply

  • Whatever the case is let the citizen decide as it is norm for politician before election will go down to the field mingle with citizen etc then make thousand and one promises but once they were elected we hardly see them on the field to see them also by appointment citizen at their mercy. Bear in mind , citizen are no longer blind nor deaf even the elderly have seen the world and most of their kids well educated they can see and evaluate. So let them decide who are eligible or competent to head the country.
    All this bombarding each other on social media to prove they are the best is chidish way of promoting oneself. Proof it....

    Posted 6 years ago by Abdul Rahman Abdul Razak · Reply