Lecturer lodges police report against Hannah Yeoh 'for proselytising to Muslims'

Low Han Shaun

A UNIVERSITY lecturer has now lodged a police report against Selangor Speaker Hannah Yeoh after she lodged a report against him for his allegations that her biography is to proselytise Malays. 

Universiti Utara Malaysia senior lecturer Kamarul Yusoff lodged the report in Kedah to counter Yeoh’s police report earlier against his May 10 Facebook post, accusing DAP of hypocrisy in matters of religion.

Kamarul had cited Yeoh, a Christian, as an example of DAP only wanting to separate religion from politics if it involves Islam.

“I was surprised that the book had a lot of stories and quotes from the Christian Bible. I think the book is trying to persuade, influence, or incite a non-Christian to convert to Christianity,” Kamarul posted on Facebook this morning. The Facebook post contained a picture of himself outside the Changloon police station this morning.

The political science lecturer said he had bought Yeoh’s book because he was interested in what politicians did and what inspired them.

“But what the book said was about how fortunate being a Christian is and how the Christian God is a loving, good and just god,” said Kamarul.

The book also contained parts of how Yeoh said she had “prophecies” on how she would one day be working with statesmen, he said. The book also recorded Yeoh’s “miracles”, said Kamarul.

“All her stories have inadvertently inspired her readers, including me, to be awed by her god.”

Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer Kamarul Yusoff at the Changloon police station today. – Facebook pic, May 17, 2017.

And since her book is widely availble to the public, Kamarul said Yeoh may have broken the law under Section 4(1)(a) of the Enactment of Controls and Sanctions (Expansion of non-Islamic Religions) of Selangor 1988.

“The enactment states that ‘a person commits an offence if he or she tries to persuade, influence, or incite Muslims to become members of a non-Islamic religion.”

He added that Yeoh might have also contravened Section 298 (A)(1) of the Penal Code because she had tried to break the harmony of the country using religion.

He went on to list examples from Yeoh’s autobiography, Becoming Hannah: A Personal Journey, as trying to propagate Christianity to Muslims and urged the police to investigate the Subang assemblyman.

Yeoh had said there was no secret agenda in her book as the soft launch was in 2014 and the official launch in January 2015. The book can be bought online and is available in major bookstores, such as Kinokuniya, MPH, Popular and Times. – May 17, 2017.

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  • The lecturer has poor understanding of what he is reading, misinterpreting everything with bad intention and trying to be the defender of the religion. What he did is to promote Hannah's book and giving the impression of Muslim here has a very paper thin weak faith.

    Posted 7 years ago by Butter Scotch · Reply

  • “I was surprised that the book had a lot of stories and quotes from the Christian Bible. I think the book is trying to persuade, influence, or incite a non-Christian to convert to Christianity,”?? Does Kamarul not know that it is legal to preach Christianity to non-Muslims? And if it is a book that has Christian content, the Muslims can choose not to buy them or read them? Kamarul shouldn't be reading that book in the first place if he feels that his faith can be easily wavered just by reading some articles. I think he should quit being a lecturer since he can be so easily uncertain about a certain subject.

    Posted 7 years ago by Ray Gan · Reply

  • Even the Bible and other non-muslim religious books are sold in bookshops throughout the country. How?!! Why didn't he buy those books and read them? Under religious freedom and human rights, we can read whatever book that is sold and don't blame others for your own thoughts and actions. Obviously, Kamarul's actions are politically motivated and is he taking a leaf from AhHok's case in Idonesia?

    Posted 7 years ago by Audrey Leong · Reply

  • What a dull mind.

    Posted 7 years ago by Joe nuts · Reply

  • UUM needs better lecturers. A man who, without strong convictions in his own beliefs and, worse, blames others for his own opinions, can't be trusted to nurture young minda. As an academician in particular, he should know how to separate personal beliefs and faith, with objective study.

    Posted 7 years ago by Lorela Chia · Reply

  • The lecturer seems to unable to discern between public and personal.
    Everyone has the right to personal faith and that is enshrined in the constitution, but also ultimately human right and freedom. On a common sense, there is so many religious books in the book shelves and in thei

    Posted 7 years ago by Benny Lee · Reply

  • The lecturer seems to unable to discern between public and personal. Everyone has the right to personal faith and that is enshrined in the constitution, but also ultimately human right and freedom. On a common sense, there is so many religious books in the book shelves and in the internet, and why didn't he lodges a police report on every single publication and internet article?

    Posted 7 years ago by Benny Lee · Reply

  • How many Muslims became Christians as a result of Yeoh's book?

    Islamic freaks have an infinite capacity for stupidity?

    Posted 7 years ago by Joe Fernandez · Reply

  • All yourself lecturer, do you read with understanding. This shows your view as an intellectual is far fetch low. You had just became a pariah lecturer.

    Posted 5 years ago by TC BOY · Reply

  • Hello Lecturer, Do you feel you are being influenced to convert become a christian ? If you have tempted, Then you are weak, not the religion.

    Posted 5 years ago by TC BOY · Reply

  • This lecturer should not lecture anyone. He should lecture himself first on what he is thinking and doing. Why is he so dumb to understand. Is he saying Muslim faith is so easily shaken? He is really a dumb@$$.

    Posted 5 years ago by Will Be Humble · Reply

  • Now that Tommy Thomas believes God is great, is Kamarul Yusoff going to lodge another report in Kedah to counter AG's hypocrisy in matters of religion?

    Posted 5 years ago by Roger 5201 · Reply

  • The lecturer is more of a class room cleaner who doesnt understand what he reads.

    Posted 5 years ago by Joseoh Foong · Reply

  • Stupid lecturer.

    Posted 5 years ago by Suleing Lahang · Reply

  • Are you sure you know how to read English ? If the book influenced you, why didn't you become a Christian? if you didn't, the book wasn't convincing enough. If the book did convince you and you became a Christian, we wouldn't be reading about this. But if it did convince you but you didn't convert because you were afaid to, that can only mean you are jealous that Christians have it good...right?

    Posted 5 years ago by Alphonz Jayaraman · Reply

  • Lets be fair, hannah has spoke, and when it doesn't comply with certain quarters, he or she has the right to object if he/she feels offended. Do you really expect your idea is accepted by all especially one with different upbringings, religious belief, race culture and various education background.

    Posted 5 years ago by Mohd Noh · Reply