King to meet political party leaders this week, say sources

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah is expected to meet with registered political leaders later this week, according to a government source. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, June 7, 2021.

YANG di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah is expected to meet political party leaders starting on Wednesday, sources told The Malaysian Insight.

“However, the meeting is restricted to registered political parties only,” a government source told The Malaysian Insight.

He said this meant that Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Pejuang and Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman’s Muda will not be included.

However, the source did not disclose what is the agenda of the meetings.

Another source from Muda confirmed that they have not been included in the meetings.

Earlier today, Amanah-run news portal Malaysia Dateline also published a story that the king will meet with party leaders from Wednesday to Friday.

“The meetings are on how to rebuild the country after the Perikatan Nasional government has failed to manage the Covid-19 pandemic satisfactorily,” said Malaysia Dateline.

Quoting sources, the news portal suggested that the meeting would be on how to rebuild the country by including all parties.

However, shortly thereafter it took down the story.

On April 20, Pakatan Harapan’s End the Emergency Committee submitted a memorandum to the palace urging the king to end the emergency. – June 7, 2021.

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  • Should meet all elected members of Parliament. If those MPs are from non registered party, the non registration is not their fault... The sooner we stop playing politics, the better Malaysia will be.

    Posted 3 years ago by DENGKI KE? · Reply

  • PH should be given a chance to rule again. That was the peoples mandate. PH has some very capable and competent leaders.

    Posted 3 years ago by Elyse Gim · Reply

  • If this government continues, the anger of the Rakyat will continue to rise. In a Democracy that would spell the end for the government. But we have stopped being a democracy with the Sheraton move and more and more are either leaving the country or deciding not to return. Failed government means failed nation. Would anyone be proud to be head of a failed nation? Have we got no self respect? But then again, we are unique and the only country in the world with a Malu Apa culture, promoted by the largest party representing the majority race.

    Posted 3 years ago by Loyal Malaysian · Reply