Full pay for work from home staff, says minister

Human Resources Minister M. Saravanan says employers are prohibited from implementing pay cuts, or ordering their staff to take annual or unpaid leaves while they work from home. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, October 22, 2020.

EMPLOYERS are prohibited from implementing pay cuts or ordering their staff to take annual or unpaid leaves as the work from home directive comes into effect, said M. Saravanan.

The human resources minister said employers will also have to pay their staff their usual wages.

“This is in line with the order and statement released by the Human Resources Ministry during the movement-control order (MCO) in March,” he said in a statement today.

“However, employers can discuss with their employees with regard to the decision and measures to be taken for their collective interest,” he said.

He said further queries on the matter can be extended to the Labour Department. 

The National Security Council has ordered private and public sectors employees in management and supervisory roles in areas under the conditional MCO to work from home starting today.

Employers are allowed to have 10% of their management and supervisory employees work on site for four hours a day, three days a week.

The CMCO is currently in force in Sabah until next Monday; in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya until October 27; and in Labuan until October 30.

For the private sector, employers can allow 10% of their workforce on site for four hours a day, from 10am to 2pm, for three days a week. 

As for the civil service, each department is allowed a maximum of 30% staff on site, director-general of public services Mohd Khairul Adib Abd Rahman said yesterday. – October 22, 2020.

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