Why is Jasa director paid RM20,000 a month, asks Wan Azizah

Amin Iskandar

OPPOSITION leader Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail today questioned the high salary of the director of the government’s propaganda unit, the Special Affairs Department (Jasa), whose monthly pay of RM20,000 exceeds that of a cabinet minister.

“While checking the 2018 List of Positions, I found that the director of Jasa is paid according to Salary Code VU7, which scale is a maximum RM20,592 a month, and which is more than the salary of the multimedia and communications minister, which is RM14,907.20 a month,” she said in a question to the Multimedia and Communications Ministry.

Dr Wan Azizah, who is the Permatang Pauh MP, also objected to the RM12.8 million in wages for Jasa’s 272 employees.

She said Jasa employees should not be paid with the money of taxpayers, some of whom were critics of and opposed to the Barisan Nasional government.

“I ask, what is the rationale for salaries amounting to RM12.8 million for 272 Jasa staff, whose sole duty is to be the campaign launchers for Umno-BN?

“Wouldn’t it be fairer for Umno and BN to pay the salaries of Jasa staff?” she said.

Jasa director Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz recently said that electoral watchdog Bersih 2.0 and others alleging corruption in 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) were threats to the Muslim community and used social media to spread hate. – November 27, 2017. 

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  • Jasa is a propaganda machine for BN. They are the ones who spread lies. Even the useless cybertroopers are under thier armpit.

    Posted 6 years ago by Peter Evans · Reply

  • Going by his public comment, ,RM1,000 per month is too much to pay him.

    Posted 6 years ago by Bigjoe Lam · Reply

  • Jasa has been functioning purely as a propaganda arm of Umno. Its mission must have been inspired by the roaring success of Hitler’s propaganda machinery in mesmerising his people into supporting his maniac ambition of conquests.
    This is evident from Jasa constantly churning out untruthful and misleading facts and assertions to shield Umno from its wrong doings and attack Umno’s adversaries, often rousing racial hatred and religious animosity. An example is Jasa's wild accusation of Bersih and other NGOs' patriotic endeavour to recover on behalf of the people the stolen 1MDB funds seized by the Swiss government as an act to threaten Muslims.
    It is hence apparent that Jasa's mission is to protect and advance Umno’s political hegemony.
    As such, its existence as a government department (which should be politically neutral) is unlawful and an abuse of power to squander public funds.
    It should be closed forthwith, failing which, a report should be lodged with MACC to probe Jasa’s unlawful activities.

    Posted 6 years ago by Kim quek · Reply

  • All these Parasitic leeches must be sacked immediately.We the rakyat do not want our taxes used to feed these parasites

    Posted 6 years ago by Lee Thian Siong · Reply