‘Ubuntu’ the spirit Malaysians need

WHILE race is a reality, racism is a virus that continues to contaminate life in Malaysia and politics in general.

We are not learning the lessons Covid 19 is teaching us. We have to respond as “one” humanity, and the time of race and religion serving as critical parameters are over.

Everyone is impacted, and it is our sense of common humanity that will deliver us from this challenge. We have to move from mere slogans to inspire the spirit of 1Malaysia to actually acting it.

We must believe that the whole is better that its parts, and if we are just and fair by the whole, we will also meet the challenges and requirements of all sections of our community. In fact, we will empower society to step up and take responsibility because we feel Malaysian and act as Malaysians.

Racism will have to be transcended; otherwise, it will continue to divide us. We will remain fragmented because the same virus infects everyone.

While I appreciate the views of writers who feel this is not the time for a motion of no confidence against Muhyiddin Yassin’s backdoor government, I beg to differ. How can we allow Ali Baba and the 40 thieves to take power, and condone what is presently happening? The sooner we get back to a government that can be trusted by the people, the better.

While there may be many reasons why the former government was dislodged, one has to consider key reasons why it seemed better. It represented the will of the people, was elected based on a manifesto, and had a more representative Malaysian presence and a clear sense of direction.

It attended to some of the issues on its reform agenda, but many remain a work in progress. Sadly, these will now come to an end, and it is a great loss for Malaysia.

The present ruling MPs are perceived as racist in comparison, and are unashamedly going about their work of placing people and buying support. This will be the end of MCA and MIC, which are abetting them in this direction. They stand for race, and have no agenda for change. There was an opportunity for these parties to take a stand for Malaysia, and they capitulated. It describes the quality of their leadership.

In fact, they will undo all that has been done, and take Malaysia into a dark and difficult place. Those who abet Muhyiddin will do a great injustice to the nation in the long run. We have, for a long time, been suffering a mediocre and narcissistic leadership that has continuously polarised the nation.

My appeal to all parliamentarians is to put the interest of the rakyat first. This must be the key determinant. “If you are right by the people, than you will be right by the nation and its future”. However, if we have politicians who are primarily interested in what is in it for just them, even Allah would not be able to help us through this difficult time.

It is time to go back to basics and address the trust deficit that has been heightened by this backdoor government. This is possible only if every MP understands their oath to the constitution, stands up for principles beyond race, selfishness and party affiliations, and undertakes what they can now do for Malaysia as a whole.

The issue is not of race, but a lack of character and selfishness. Neither Bersatu nor Umno is united, and this is between Malays. You do not have to belong to the same race to be united, but many will fall for the ploy that DAP is behind these divisions.

There is so much unthinking behind racist expressions, and this highlights the levels to which our society is polarised. What we seriously lack are politicians with a vision and purpose, and who will stand for what is right to lead the nation to glory.

What is going to happen to the previous government’s anti-corruption initiative, and Section 17A of the Corporate Liability Act? Any postponement or lack of focus on these fronts will be detrimental to the reforms that we had voted for and expected. I hope these will not be postponed.

Tell us what you stand for, Muhyiddin. If you do not stand for the interests of the people in specific terms, you can never be held accountable.

We are facing the results of 50 years of the New Economic Policy that has split our nation along ethnic lines, polarised politics and created a rent-seeking community that relies on handouts and special favours. Barisan Nasional and Umno have to take responsibility. Accountability has been the weakest link in our system of governance at the party level, institutions and in government.

If after 50 years the Bumiputera community is still in the doldrums, we have to compare their situation with the politicians who have been on the scene for the same amount of time, and the wealth they have each appropriated to themselves. The tragedy that has befallen Felda, Tabung Haji, Felcra, MAS and other government-linked companies is testimony to the rampant greed and corruption among the elite.

It is these elite Bumiputeras who have raped the nation, and “kleptocracy” defines this clearly. The facts are there, and you cannot wish them away. We have so much religiosity, prayer and expressions, but we fall short when it comes to virtues and personal moral standards, and are hence unable to translate these into ethical practices at work. It is this hypocrisy that breeds cynicism among the young. People are unable to see issues of justice and fairness at work.

Whatever may be the combination in terms of leaders and parties, I am for a vote of no confidence. If we fail, we have to accept the due process of democracy. If we succeed, we have an opportunity to get back to the reform agenda. Alternatively, we can say we tried and failed. To accept the present reality without such a vote in Parliament is to condone a wrong and justify the same.

I appeal to all MPs to reflect and consider beyond their own and party interests, and vote on the basis of what is right by the nation. It is no more an issue of race; it is about our character as Malaysians and how we value one another. Beyond history, we have to chart a future, and like the Africans, we need the spirit of “ubuntu”.

“A professor suggested that children of African tribes play a game. He placed a basket full of fruits and sweets near a tree, and told the children that whoever got to the basket first would win all the treats. When he gave the shout for them to run, they all took each other’s hand and ran together.

“On reaching the basket by the tree, they all sat down together and enjoyed the fruits and sweets. When the professor asked why they had all run together when one winner could have easily had all the treats, they said: ‘Ubuntu! How can one of us be happy if all the others are sad?’”

Beyond all the words and slogans, it is this spirit that is so critical for our diverse nation. This is what shared prosperity and prosper thy neighbour are all about. How we define the other in many ways defines us.

No religion is about race, and when some Muslims reduce Islam’s magnificence to exhort racist issues, they corrupt their beliefs and deny themselves the grace and compassion that Islam offers to humanity. The fragmentation among sections of Malays is indicative of this self-inflicted virus. Now, migrant workers and the Rohingya are facing similar challenges.

I am reminded of a statement by the late Indian jurist Palkhivala in the preface to his book We the People. He laments to his countrymen “who gave unto themselves the constitution but not the ability to keep it, who inherited a resplendent heritage but not the wisdom to cherish it, who suffer and endure in patience without the perception of their potential”. Our potential exceeds racism, but we lack the leadership to steer this nation forward collectively.

Racism ultimately bites the hand that feeds. MCA and MIC, together with Umno, are good examples. In the end, they have no political reason to exist beyond race. The same will happen to Perikatan Nasional as it has no sustainability based on a common vision and a purpose beyond race. Greed and selfishness will ultimately be its undoing.

Can this backdoor government inspire the “ubuntu” spirit among Malaysians? If they cannot, Malaysians need a second chance, and call upon all MPs to do what is right and best for the electorate. If we fail, then we are responsible for the quality of parliamentarians who helm this nation. – May 11, 2020.

* K. Haridas reads The Malaysian Insight.

* This is the opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight. Article may be edited for brevity and clarity.

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  • " ..... Racism will have to be transcended;...."
    " ..... I am for a vote of no confidence .........."

    Can the writer please reconcile the above statements when in reality the vote of no confidence is to reinstall a known ultra racist and religious bigot as PM?


    If I read the news correctly, in the short span of the PN government, more racist rhetoric came from Bersatu than from UMNO.

    So why should PH accept Bersatu back? It should remain with the racist parties.

    The previous government proved its UNWORKABLE to have a racist political party in a grouping when the rest are multi-racial, especially when its leader is given the PM post and wouldn't consider race neutral or racial equality legislations but only on those that favour his own race.

    Posted 3 years ago by Malaysian First · Reply

    • True to the core. Racial party is detrimental to any coalition and against national interests.

      Posted 3 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply