Lawyer being investigated for allegedly insulting monarchy keeps her cool

Muzliza Mustafa

Fadiah Nadwa Fikri is being investigated under the Sedition Act, and Communications and Multimedia Act for her article, published on Monday, that allegedly insulted the monarchy. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, July 11, 2018.

LAWYER and activist Fadiah Nadwa Fikri remains calm in the face of pressure by certain quarters to have her charged with insulting the monarchy.

Fadiah, accompanied by three lawyers, today spent more than an hour at the Brickfields police headquarters in Jalan Travers.

She was posed between 15 and 20 questions relating to a police report lodged by a university student on her article, which allegedly openly criticised the monarchy.

She is being investigated under the Sedition Act, and Communications and Multimedia Act.

Malay rights group Perkasa, too, has lodged a report against Fadiah.

Her article, titled “Don’t Kiss the Hand that Beats You”, was published on the Malaysia Muda website on Monday.

The piece was based on a picture of Pakatan Harapan de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim bending to kiss the hand of the Johor sultan.

In the article, Fadiah questioned the power of the monarchy and its relevance in modern-day Malaysia.

Responding to the allegations against her, she said in a democracy, no institution is immune from criticism, and that she was merely speaking up for others who thought the same thing.

“They’ve been thinking about it, but they cannot talk about it, because their minds are policed.

“Some people say that some things cannot be said, but the question is, till when?

“I am here because I believe it’s for everyone. We have to collectively oppose any form of injustice.”

She cited her friends as being a source of strength and inspiration as she faces pressure from certain groups.

Recalling the day she received the phone call from police, Fadiah said she was not really surprised, but questioned if this was what the “New Malaysia” was about.

“The government said they are going to abolish the act, but it has not happened.

“No one has issued a statement, except for (Lembah Pantai MP) Fahmi Fadzil.

“We have not heard from other ministers, or the home minister (Muhyiddin Yassin).

“Today is a proof (that laws) can simply be used to silence dissent, to instil fear.”

She said even though most people have not been punished under such laws, their existence will “cause people to self-censor”.

Lawyer Farhana Abdul Halim said her client today exercised her right to remain silent, and will answer to everything in court.

Among the questions posed to Fadiah were whether she was trying to hurt Malaysians’ feelings with her article, and if the article incited hatred.

Some 30 people gathered in front of the Brickfields police headquarters today, including activist Fahmi Reza, Parti Sosialis Malaysia central committee member Arul Chelvan, and Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism director Cynthia Gabriel. – July 11, 2018.

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  • Hang in there Fadiah. You have our support. All rational, well informed Malaysians
    agree with you. Only the numbskulls will feel offended.

    Posted 6 years ago by Azmi Arif · Reply



    Posted 6 years ago by David Churme · Reply

  • Very brave soul indeed. The way forward?..

    Posted 6 years ago by MELVILLE JAYATHISSA · Reply

    • Tasteful use of words..

      Posted 6 years ago by MELVILLE JAYATHISSA · Reply

    • A case of "It's not what you say, but how you say that which is said". Yes?..

      Posted 6 years ago by MELVILLE JAYATHISSA · Reply

  • Where can I find that article written by Fadiah ? She is one brave soul deserving our respect.

    Posted 6 years ago by William hooi keat sang · Reply