Dozens of Najib supporters gather outside MACC HQ

Muzliza Mustafa

Supporters of Najib Razak gathering outside the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission headquarters in Putrajaya tonight. They are calling for the former prime minister's release. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, July 3, 2018.

DOZENS of Najib Razak supporters gathered outside the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission headquarters in Putrajaya tonight, claiming he has been falsely arrested.

Umno Supreme Council member Lokman Nor Adam, who is a former aide to Najib, had earlier called on Malaysians to turn up in a show of solidarity with the former prime minister from 9pm to 11pm.

Speaking at the gathering, Lokman said Najib is a victim of propaganda, and that he has been falsely arrested for his alleged involvement in 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

“Najib has cooperated with MACC twice, and yet, they arrested him. Do they need to arrest him? No. They just want to break his spirit,” he told the small but energetic crowd.

Najib’s supporters chanted “Bebas Najib” (Free Najib) and “Fitnah Najib” (Najib falsely accused) in between short speeches by those present.

The former Umno president will be brought to the Kuala Lumpur High Court tomorrow to be charged, following his arrest about 3pm today, in relation to funds from SRC International Sdn Bhd, a former subsidiary of 1MDB, that were found in his personal bank accounts.

Former Barisan Nasional government propaganda unit chief Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz said Najib is being treated unfairly.

“The missing RM42 billion has yet to be proven, and so has the RM2.6 billion.

“Who empowered the 1MDB task force to issue the order to arrest Najib? Shouldn’t it be MACC?”

He added that he expects the crowd tonight to swell. – July 3, 2018.

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  • There will always be idiots

    Posted 6 years ago by Sarky Subramaniam · Reply

  • Can't help but wonder what is inside these people's mind/brain!

    Posted 6 years ago by Yoon Fatt Ng · Reply

  • They should all be arrested for public nuisance.

    Posted 6 years ago by JK Unrowling · Reply

    • No money no support
      No money no support

      Posted 6 years ago by Tam Lim · Reply

  • The village idiots .

    Posted 6 years ago by Gill Singh · Reply

  • Lembu sharizat Pon Ada turut serta..syabas

    Posted 6 years ago by Rashid Sultan · Reply

  • We sing shala la la la.....

    Posted 6 years ago by John Lim · Reply

  • Lets see how long these dazed dozens will last. With party's accounts frozen, they'll soon realise there's money in it.

    Posted 6 years ago by Groundbreaking Views · Reply

  • Most of them look Indon to me and one Zakir Naik lookalike.

    Posted 6 years ago by Savari CJ · Reply

  • A dozen fools. Youre smarter and much more knowledgeable on the in-depth matter compared to MACC. Police , PM etc? Wake up you fools. What have you got from all these years? Looking at the dozens, youre likely jobless or useless. So go find a job or something useful to do.

    Posted 6 years ago by Kingsley Robson · Reply

  • The narrative has no substance and used Allahs name to cheer a thief.

    Posted 6 years ago by Nels Djee · Reply

  • Investigate Lokman and that Tun wannabe as well.

    Posted 6 years ago by Mokhzani Mohamad · Reply

  • Why no Jamal Toilet??

    Posted 6 years ago by Chia Seang · Reply

  • good turn out.. dozens je

    Posted 6 years ago by Apada Nama · Reply

  • Any UMNO stalwarts present amongst the dirty dozen ?? Or maybe they too are awaiting for MACC lock - up call-out!!

    Posted 6 years ago by Led Nsolarpv · Reply

  • Where are all the bhuttos who supported him when he was the PM? Nazri, Zahid, and the rest?

    Posted 6 years ago by S G · Reply

    • Making themselves scarce. This is not exactly a gathering of celebrities.

      Posted 6 years ago by Henry Mancini Jr · Reply

  • 50 people who could not care about the country or ANYONE ELSE but themselves..These are our fellow citizens, fellow Malay Muslims - Ulamas and Religo-leaders have to ask what does their great Syariah and Islamic laws have to say about these people?

    Posted 6 years ago by Bigjoe Lam · Reply