Najib arrested

Muzliza Mustafa

A vehicle believed to be transporting former prime minister Najib Razak is seen leave his residence in Kuala Lumpur, today. – The Malaysian Insight pic, July 3, 2018.

FORMER prime minister Najib Razak was arrested today, at his residence in Jalan Langgak Duta.

The 1MDB special task force said in a brief statement that Najib was picked up at 2.35pm.

MACC chief commissioner Mohamad Shukri Abdul told the media that the former prime minister has been taken to the commission’s headquarters in Putrajaya for further questioning. Najib is to be held there overnight and taken to court tomorrow to face charges.

Najib is under investigation over allegations that billions of dollars were embezzled from the state-owned 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

He has denied wrongdoing.

Najib has been questioned by the MACC a total of three times over the course of his nine years in office.

The first time was in 2015, followed by two other occasions in May this year after his Barisan Nasional coalition fell from power in the May 9 general election.

On all three occasions, Najib had been called in to give his statement on the transfer of funds from SRC International, a former subsidiary of 1MDB, to his personal bank account. – July 3, 2018.

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  • My God! How the mighty have fallen!

    Posted 6 years ago by Francis Lopez · Reply

  • Finally

    Posted 6 years ago by P K · Reply

  • Go arrest his buddies and put them in the same lock up

    Posted 6 years ago by Abdul Aziz Bidin · Reply

    • Cannot Che Aziz. Must separate them so that their contradicting statements can be pitched and out comes the truth.

      Posted 6 years ago by Habi Kina · Reply

  • The beginning of a long trail.

    Posted 6 years ago by Liew Ngeok Nyan · Reply

  • Got Clyde, how about Bonnie?

    Posted 6 years ago by TMI Fan Club · Reply

  • Next to be arrested most likely is Zahid Hamidi...

    Posted 6 years ago by Philip chong · Reply

    • #PrayForZedComedyGets

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

    • #LetsPrayThatZedComedyGetsArrested

      Posted 6 years ago by Fahrim M. Azrul · Reply

  • This is what the rakyat has been waiting patiently to see him arrested. It is so obvious, he has been talking nonsense as if we are so stupid to be fooled by him.

    Posted 6 years ago by Dao Wei Foo · Reply

  • 3pm is humane

    Posted 6 years ago by Roger 5201 · Reply

  • Rakyat rejoice, after all these years, however Najib arrested what's next?

    Posted 6 years ago by Kevin Teh · Reply

  • I believe Orange Jumpsuits are going to be all the rage soon. Might even start a small factory just for these articles of clothing.

    Posted 6 years ago by Richard Chapbell · Reply

    • I think Malaysia is purple. . .

      Posted 6 years ago by Kevin Teh · Reply

  • We want justice. Having lots of ill gotten wealth from money laundering?kleptocrats destroy our country financial health. Go to jail

    Posted 6 years ago by Tam Yan Cheng · Reply

  • Waited long for this day to happen. The evening newspapers will sell very well today.

    Posted 6 years ago by Frankie Yam · Reply

  • I'm sure more arrest will take place soon.

    Posted 6 years ago by Manickavasagam Ramanathan · Reply

  • The Zaid Komidi will b next in line. This is another theiving bastard. Just like Najib,a blady waste of sperm.

    Posted 6 years ago by Siva Piran · Reply

  • Like Transformer : Revenge of the Fallen

    Posted 6 years ago by John Emilio · Reply

  • Best news on a TUESDAY!

    Posted 6 years ago by S G · Reply

  • This internationally known grand thief is definitely not without supporters or similar alike who have jointly plundered and made our nation bled in a sea of ' debts !

    Posted 6 years ago by Gerald Tak · Reply


    Posted 6 years ago by Bob Hangguk · Reply

  • Greatest infamy in Malaysian history. Justice must be delivered.

    Posted 6 years ago by Pang Tan · Reply