Any arrests over death threat against Teresa Kok, asks Wanita MCA

Teresa Kok, who is Seputeh MP, has said she discovered two bullets and a threatening letter in her home’s mailbox. – Facebook pic, May 29, 2024.

MCA today asked for an update on the police investigation into the death threat made against Seputeh MP Teresa Kok.

Wanita MCA deputy chairman Tee Hooi Ling said it has been almost two weeks since Kok, who is from rival party DAP, made a police report over the threat against her life.

Tee said either Kok or any party can give an update on this important matter.

On May 15, Kok, who is Seputeh MP, said she discovered two bullets and a threatening letter in her home’s mailbox. 

“When I opened the envelope and inspected the contents, I found two bullets and a white A4 paper,” she had said in a post on Facebook, adding that the paper contained a death threat.

Tee said Wanita MCA, which stands in solidarity with Kok on this matter, was eager to find out the outcome of the case because it involved the safety of a MP and also a woman.

“What is the latest development of the case? Are there no closed circuit cameras (CCTV) at the scene? Has the perpetrator been identified and arrested?

“Wanita MCA hopes that YB Teresa Kok or any party can inform the public about the latest developments regarding this case.

“Regardless of political differences, Wanita MCA will always be with those in need, and certainly stand in solidarity with Teresa Kok in this case,” said Tee.

She added that Wanita MCA was confident that police will be able to solve the case and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil has condemned the death threat made against Kok.

Fahmi said the DAP politician has already lodged a police report and would let the authorities handle it.

Police have examined the mailbox at Kok’s condominium as part of their investigation. – May 29, 2024.

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