Cop loses gun left on top of patrol car during toilet break

Police are looking for a gun that one of their colleagues mislaid while on a toilet break, in Taiping, on Monday. – The Vibes file pic, May 29, 2024.

A POLICE constable on duty lost his gun after he left it on the boot of his patrol car while he relieved himself, New Straits Times reports.

Zulkifle was reported to have been on patrol with his partner in the Taiping/Changkat Jering zone.

The duo had stopped the car on the side of the road to take a short break around 2.35pm on Monday.

One of them had placed his firearm, a .38 Smith and Wesson revolver, on the bonnet, while he urinated.

After relieving himself, he got into the car and continued driving. He only realised his gun was missing when the duo reached the Taiping police headquarters around 2.45pm. At 3.05pm, the two policemen attempted to search for the gun but failed to find it.

The Taiping police chief has ordered all personnel in the same location to help find the missing firearm. – May 29, 2024.

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