Applications now open for RM200 Budi Madani diesel subsidy

The Finance Ministry says all eligible recipients will receive RM200 monthly in financial assistance as part of the targeted subsidy programme for diesel. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 28, 2024.

APPLICATIONS are open today for the Budi Madani Subsidy Aid Programme (Budi) for private owners of diesel vehicles and agriculture smallholders in Peninsular Malaysia.

The Finance Ministry (MoF), in a statement, said all eligible recipients will receive RM200 monthly in financial assistance as part of the targeted subsidy programme for diesel.

“Eligible private diesel vehicle owners including smallholders can apply for Budi, which will be open from May 28, 2024,” it said.

Those applying for the individual Budi category must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Malaysian citizenship
  • Owner of a diesel private vehicle registered with the Road Transport Department (JPJ), except luxury diesel vehicles less than 10 years of age
  • Vehicle has valid road tax
  • Annual income of RM100,000 and under (individuals and couples)

The applications will be checked against Inland Revenue Board (IRB) data to rule out luxury vehicles less than 10 years old and earners in the Top-20-Percentile (T20) income bracket.

  • Smallholders who wish to receive the subsidy must meet the following qualifications:
  • Farmer or smallholder registered with relevant agencies under the relevant ministries

Must be an active commodity smallholder with an annual turnover of between RM50,000 and RM300,000 from farming or commodity production.

Owners of private diesel vehicles may apply through the individual Budi category, while smallholders must register at before applying.

Applications approved before June 3 will receive their first Budi Madani payment by mid-June and subsequent payments will be made monthly.

“Those who apply later than June 3 will receive their first payment in two weeks and subsequent ones monthly.

“The payments will be transferred into the bank account of your choice, or in cash from any BSN branch for successful applicants without a bank account,” said the MoF.

Further information can be obtained at all IRB offices in Peninsular Malaysia, while enquiries can be made at the Budi Madani helpline: 1-800-88-2747, 03-8882 4565, 03-88824566, or email [email protected] 

On May 21, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that Putrajaya agreed to implement targeted subsidies on diesel in Peninsular Malaysia, aiming to withdraw diesel subsidies from the T20 group and the 3.5 million foreigners in Malaysia.

This move is expected to save the government RM4 billion a year.

Anwar added that the targeting of diesel subsidies will not affect the B40 and M40 groups and that Sabah and Sarawak are excluded from the exercise. – May 28, 2024

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