Storm blows roof off Bangsar apartment block

The roof is torn off the Putra Ria Apartment during a storm, in Bangsar, on Saturday evening. – Screenshot, May 26, 2024.

PIECES of zinc were torn off the roof of a Bangsar apartment block last evening during a storm, to fall on vehicles below in the carpark.

At least six units in Block 94 of the Putra Ria Apartment were affected nine vehicles were damaged.

Resident M. Santha Kumari, 41, said her unit on the 20th floor of the 22-storey apartment, was unaffected but the rear windscreen of a vehicle of a relative was smashed.

“I saw the roof fly up and then fall and hit my sister’s car. The wind was so strong and it was raining. There are many children in my house and my sister had just given birth so I was quite concerned,” she was reported as saying by Bernama.

She was thankful that only property was damaged and no one was hurt in the 5.30pm incident.

Abu Bakar Hasnah, 43, who had just arrived at his mother’s home, was shocked to hear a loud crash.

“I rushed out of the house and saw pieces of the roof scattered at the bottom. They had hit some cars in the parking area.

“My wife managed to record a video and post it on Instagram and TikTok to let people know about the incident,” he said.

Abu believed that the roof was between 10 and 20 years old.

Lembah Pantai Resident Representative Council Sub Zone 1 deputy chairman Abdul Haniff Sulaiman said a unit on the 22nd floor required immediate attention as it was almost entirely without a roof.

He said that it was the first time such an incident had occurred. The roofing contractor has made an assessment of the situation for immediate attention, he added.

“Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil has ordered that an operations room be opened for affected residents to file reports.” – May 26, 2024.

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