Terengganu fines island resort RM25,000 over bikini party

Tourism, Culture, Environment, and Climate Change Committee chairman Razali Idris said a party hosted on 20 May violated Subsection 6(1) of the Terengganu Entertainment and Places of Entertainment Enactment 2002. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 23, 2024.

AN island resort in Terengganu was fined RM25,000 today for hosting a bikini party on May 20.

Summer Bay Resort on Pulau Lang Tengah in Besut was also barred from hosting similar events in the future.

“A party hosted on 20 May violated Subsection 6(1) of the Terengganu Entertainment and Places of Entertainment Enactment 2002,” Tourism, Culture, Environment, and Climate Change Committee chairman Razali Idris told TRDI News.

Razali said it was found that the resort had breached regulations and failed to conduct itself in a Muslim-friendly manner.

He said the resort was allowed to keep its business licence.

“The authorities will impose the fine on the resort, while investigations will continue to check for other offences that could have been committed on the island,” he added.

Razali said the resort had hosted such parties for a decade but the authorities had been unaware of the events.

Social media posts said the “Aloha Party”, held to mark the Chinese Valentine’s Day on May 20, had featured women in bikinis, female DJs and a dance group. – May 23, 2024.

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