Don’t resort to name-calling, DAP Youth tells Akmal after he calls Nga ‘dumb’

DAP Youth calls on Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh to set a good example in politics and refrain from acting immature. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, April 13, 2024.

DAP YOUTH has called on Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh to set a good example in politics and refrain from acting immature.

Its chief Dr Kelvin Yii said it was time to stop all the name-calling even if he (Akmal) disagrees with the actions of others, especially within the same coalition.

Akmal had yesterday called Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming “dumb” for linking boycotts to Malaysia’s weak economy.

“To YB minister Nga Kor Ming, who is lacking in intelligence, the country’s economy is bad because there are ministers like you.

“Dumb,” he said in a brief post in Malay on his official Facebook page.

Dr Yii said as a young leader, Akmal should be setting a good example in politics and not show immaturity by resorting to “name-calling” even if he disagrees with certain actions.

“He should have brought proper and mature arguments to the table either to refute the statement or to add constructive criticism to the issue at hand.

“Argue policy with policy, proposals with better proposals, discourse with mature discourse,” added Dr Yii. 

He said national politics cannot be reduced to name-calling or mud-slinging which has degraded the current state of our political discourse.

“That should be the aspiration of all young leaders in our country as we push for a more mature democracy and politics to replace politics of old that do not add value to society,” said Dr Yii. – April 13, 2024

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