MOE says Palestine Week will teach students human values

Ravin Palanisamy

The Education Ministry says Palestine Solidarity Week to be held in schools is a continuation of efforts to instil noble values based on respect, love, responsibility and joy. – Facebook pic, October 26, 2023.

THE Palestine Solidarity Week (PSW) to be held in schools will teach students about human values, which include human rights and courtesy, the Education Ministry said, following criticism from civil society groups.

The ministry said the programme aims to educate students on empathy, regardless of race, religion or social status. 

“PSW is a continuation of efforts to instil noble values based on respect, love, responsibility and joy as contained in Civic Education at schools,” the Ministry said in a statement today.

“Through this programme, students will also be exposed to cross-curricular-elements, especially those relating to global sustainability,” it added. 

Besides schools, the ministry said PSW will also be held at vocational colleges, matriculation colleges and teaching institutes. 

It will commence from October 29 til November 3.

Earlier, the president of the Anglican mission schools in Sarawak, Danald Jute, had expressed his indignation over the Education Ministry’s PSW but said the church would not be barring its schools from participating.

Several civil society groups have urged schools and educational institutions to be left out of the Gaza war. 

They said schools should be a neutral, inclusive environment for all students to gain knowledge, cultivate good values.

The ministry said that with the current technology and communication platforms, children are already exposed to various types of content, including those related to international conflicts and humanitarian crises. 

The implementation of this intervention is needed to enlighten the students regarding this matter, the ministry added. 

The ministry mentioned that there will be various programmes in the solidarity week, while religious activities such as solat hajat will only involve Muslim students. – October 26, 2023.

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  • PSW is a continuation of efforts to instil noble values based on respect, love, responsibility and joy as contained in Civic Education at schools, the Ministry said in a statement today".

    The program is NOT in line with civics education. Admit it or not, it will generate anger and HATRED for some others in the process of showing "solidarity" for a particular group.
    CIVICS is not meant to generate any anger or hatred against anyone. You cannot be showing "solidarity" for someone without feelings of anger and even hatred against those who necessitate the showing of "solidarity" for that someone.
    This is a political programme and all politics, under whatever guises, should be kept out of schools.

    Posted 9 months ago by Ravinder Singh · Reply