Activist surrenders handphone to police

Noel Achariam

Global Human Rights Federation president S. Shashi Kumar says he will answer all questions in court. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, August 24, 2023.

ACTIVIST S. Shashi Kumar today surrendered his mobile phone to the Shah Alam police for investigation after refusing to give the device to Bukit Aman officers yesterday. 

Shashi, who is Global Human Rights Federation president, said he told the police that he will delete all his important documents and contents before giving up the phone. 

“All the police wanted was a five-minute video clip. The police said they can request for the device under Section 249 of the Communications Act.

“So, I cleared the phone and gave them the device with only the video. They told me that the phone will be returned in about a month or two,” he told The Malaysian Insight.

Shashi also said the police had questioned him for less than an hour, asking about 25 to 30 questions.

“I told the officers, I will answer all questions in court.”

He was summoned yesterday to Bukit Aman to have his statement recorded over a video posted of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim presiding over a religious conversion ceremony at a mosque. 

Shashi however walked out of the federal police headquarters after refusing to surrender his mobile phone to the police for investigation. 

The case is being investigated under section 504 of the penal code, which provides for offences relating to “intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace”. 

His lawyer Rajesh Nagarajan meanwhile said the investigation against Shashi was completely baseless and an utter waste of police resources.  

“My client has merely exercised his constitutional right to question and criticise the prime minister. 

“The PM must be open and willing to respond to any and all kinds of criticism without resorting to and subjecting the rakyat to police investigations. Are we living in a police state? 

“Why are there such draconian fetters on our freedom of expression? We call upon the police and the home minister to immediately drop this unwarranted investigation”.

Shashi also said Anwar should stand on his promise of “Reformasi” which he has been calling for since decades ago.

He said now was the time for Anwar to prove his reformist stance as he is leading a multiracial, multicultural and multireligious Malaysia.

“Prime Minister Anwar and the unity government needs to accept the critiques of the people and address the issue as that’s how a good reformation government should act.”

Earlier this week, another activist, Arun Dorasamy was also called in for questioning Anwar’s role in the conversion ceremony.

Recently, a video of Anwar teaching a man to recite two “kalimah shahadah” (Islamic declaration of faith) phrases went viral and attracted various reactions.

Both the activists are being questioned under section 14 of the Minor Offences Act 1955, section 504 of the penal code and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998. –  August 24, 2023.

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