Sirul’s son seeks asylum for father in Australia

Shukri Azam Sirul Azhar is pleading with the Australian government to grant his father, former police officer Sirul Azhar Umar, political asylum. – Sydney Morning Herald pic, May 3, 2023.

THE son of convicted murderer and former police officer Sirul Azhar Umar has pleaded with the Australian government not to release his father to Malaysia, where the latter is facing the death penalty.

Sirul is being held in an Australian immigration centre after fleeing Malaysia.

 The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Sirul’s Australian-based son Shukri Azam Sirul Azhar said he and his father have no intention of returning to Malaysia as he fears for the latter’s life. 

“So you can assassinate him (Sirul) then send a clean-up unit and leave no traces? I know how the Malaysian government and the police work, we are not stupid.

“Whatever happens, my father and I have made our final decision, we will not be going back, or step foot or finger in Malaysia,” he was quoted as saying. 

According to the report, Shukri, 23, was raised by foster parents after becoming estranged from his mother’s side of the family. He has been living in Australia for 10 years. 

Sirul, along with former police officer Azilah Hadri and political analyst Razak Baginda, was charged with murdering model-turned-translator Altantuya Shaariibuu.

She was shot in 2006 in a forest in Puncak Alam and her body was blown up with explosives.

In 2006, Razak was charged with abetting Azilah and Sirul in the murder of Altantuya, then aged 28, but was acquitted by the High Court in October 2008.

Azilah and Sirul were convicted of the murder in 2009. They both appealed and were acquitted in 2013. 

Two years later, however, the prosecution successfully appealed to the Federal Court to set aside the acquittal. Sirul and Azilah were again found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. 

Sirul has since fled to Australia, where he is seeking asylum, while Azilah is on death row. 

Shukri, who wrote to the news outlet, once again requested Australia to grant his father political asylum, after his first bid was rejected in 2019.

“We came to Australia to start a new life. For the first time I’m begging Australia (for asylum),” said Shukri. 

“Please give my father a second chance as we haven’t done anything wrong, not in Malaysia or here in Australia. 

“My father is a strong and humble man even though lots of people swear at him or bully him.”

Shukri added in the letter to the daily that he had spoken about his father’s situation on social media in 2014 but the Malaysian government had shut down his Facebook page. – May 3, 2023.

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  • Settling this case will the biggest achievement of THIS UNITY GOVERNMENT. It has brought shame to Malaysia in most aspects of good government. From 2006 to 2023, is a long time to live with this shame. Please solve this problem.

    Posted 1 year ago by Citizen Pencen · Reply