Islam, Malay rights were never under threat during Pakatan govt, says Amanah leader

Alfian Z.M. Tahir

DESPITE being ousted by a series of betrayals by Bersatu and former PKR members, former religious affairs minister Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa said he is elated Malays have finally realised that Pakatan Harapan was the better government.

Speaking to The Malaysian Insight, Mujahid said the issues of Islam and Malays being under attack during Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s PH administration were baseless.

The former PAS member pointed out that until today, the subsequent governments led by Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri Yaakob have yet to settle various matters involving the Muslim community.

“Umno and PAS, when they were the opposition, misled the people when they accused PH of selling out Islam and Malays. There were many accusations made against us but none was supported by facts.

“We were the government for 22 months and if we had been allowed to complete our mandate, I think today Umno and PAS would not have any issues to use against us because they were spreading lies.

“The proof is what happened in Adib’s case. Have they solved the death? No, they did not solve the case but they accused us of hiding the truth,” he said, referring to the case of a Malay firefighter killed while on duty in 2018.

“They also accused us of promoting LGBT and they said they could solve the issues if they were the government. If they are so good, why has Nur Sajat left the country? During my time, I invited her for a meet-up and I talked to her,” he said, referring to a transgender Malaysian who has sought relief from persecution in Australia.

“What has happened to our corruption index? They claim to practise Islam but why are we seeing a spike in corruption, especially in the ship acquisition scandal?

“Have they been able to reduce the number of drunk drivers in the country? 

“All this has opened the eyes of the people, especially the Malays, to the fact that we were better. During my time RM100 million was allocated to Jakim.

“How was Islam under threat during PH rule? Islam was never under threat,” said the Parit Buntar MP.

Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa says the governments following Pakatan Harapan have been unable to resolve many issues concerning the Malays. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, August 12, 2022.

Adib, who was an emergency medical rescue services member of the Subang Jaya fire and rescue station, suffered serious injuries during a riot outside a temple in USJ 25, Subang Jaya on November 27, 2018.

He died 21 days later of his wounds at the National Heart Institute.

The coroner’s court ruled that Adib’s death was due to a criminal act perpetrated by more than two unidentified individuals.

No one has been charged over his death.

Sajat, meanwhile, sought asylum in Australia after she was “abused and treated inhumanely” by religious officials in Malaysia.

Mujahid said Umno and PAS could no longer use the religious and race card as Malaysians were now mature.

“All this while, we were fed the lie that Umno is Malay and PAS is Islam. That is not the truth.

“Umno has misled the Malays. Same goes for PAS. The Malays, as a race, have been here for centuries.

“The Sheraton Move was a blessing in disguise. Although I was upset but now at least we can see that Malay supremacy and patronage no longer works.” – August 12, 2022.

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