Country has reached new low by investigating Dr Siti Hasmah, says Rafidah

Kamles Kumar

Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali sits while being questioned by the police. – Twitter pic, January 27, 2018.

MALAYSIA reached a new low when authorities decided to question Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali for her participation in a women’s rally, said Umno veteran Rafidah Aziz.

The former international trade and industry minister questioned why the authorities could not show a little respect to the very people who laid the foundation of this country.

“Why can’t people show respect to those who came before us? Who laid the foundation of this beloved nation of ours?” she wrote in Facebook today.

She then tore in those “holding positions of trust”.

“This nation has been shamed by so many misdemeanors of those holding positions of trust.

“And now this? How low are the people in authority going to stoop?

“Clearly, some have lost the moral and ethical authority to govern,” Rafidah said.

Former International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz says Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali was only using her right and freedom to express facts. She says bringing Dr Siti Hasmah in for questioning was a disrespectful act. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, January 27, 2018.

Rafidah also questioned that if the freedom of speech was outlawed in Malaysia and the nation is becoming a dictatorship.

“Are we becoming a dictatorial nation? Why are the messengers being taken action upon? Are some people so desperate to silence any dissenting voice?”

Dr Siti Hasmah, 91, had given a short speech, while standing on the back of a pickup truck, to some 1,000 women dressed in purple, who marched from the Maju Junction shopping mall to Pertama Complex in the city centre.

She had urged the women to oppose “toxic politics”, including injustice against women, political violence, the use of threats, racism, sexism, hate speech, abuse of the law and disregard for the federal constitution.

She was questioned earlier yesterday at Dr Mahathir’s office at Yayasan al-Bukhary for allegedly violating the Peaceful Assembly Act. – January 27, 2018.

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  • I am quite sure UMNO/BN can sink us much much lower

    Posted 6 years ago by Bigjoe Lam · Reply

  • This photograph should be distributed near and far - shows the sad state of the nation under BUMNO.

    Posted 6 years ago by Insightful Malaysian · Reply

  • Negara sudah jahanam.....and people still do nothing....Zimbabwe...

    Posted 6 years ago by John Sleven · Reply

  • Rafidah also blowned away by th pied piper?
    Siti Hasmah just been questioned, not been trown into ISA like Zimbabwe nation
    Most of citizens now see it that way

    Posted 6 years ago by Nie Feng · Reply

  • Maybe Rafidah also need to be investigated. You will never know whom you protect. This is politics

    Posted 6 years ago by Fadzil MohdSalleh · Reply

  • Rafidah masih lagi bermentaliti umno... yg berjawatan, berpangkat tidak bileh disentuh oleh polis. Sepatutnya rafidah disiasat bagaimana mempunyai kekayaan luar biasa hingga di beri jolokan raja AP... salahguna kuasa semasa memegang jawatan menteri dahulu...

    Posted 6 years ago by Nasa Kritikal · Reply