Deadline on Covid-19 vaccine registration unfair, says DAP man

Ipoh Barat MP M. Kula Segaran says the prime minister's proposed June deadline for Covid-19 vaccine registration is unfair as many in the B40 community still do not have access to the internet or smartphones. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 23, 2021.

PLACING a deadline on registrations for Covid-19 vaccination is a flawed idea which will neglect marginalised and B40 groups who may not have access to registration, Ipoh Barat MP M. Kula Segaran said.

He was responding to Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s remarks yesterday that a June deadline is possible.

“This proposal does not take into account the lack of information about the vaccination process especially to those in rural areas, the marginalised and the B40 community.

“Although I agree that the vaccination process cannot continue forever, June is an unrealistic deadline to set and a bad idea.

“There are many flaws with this proposal as many Malaysians still do not have access to the internet or smartphones. Some in rural areas do not have these capabilities,” the DAP lawmaker said in a statement.

Muhyiddin said in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, yesterday, that “registration cannot go on forever” and was mulling a June deadline for vaccination registrations.

The national immunisation plan against Covid-19 was rolled out on February 24 and the government aims to inoculate at least 80% of the population by the end of the year. The initial deadline for 80% inoculation was February next year.

Registrations for vaccination can be done through the MySejahtera app, online at the website of the Special Committee on Covid-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) or through a hotline at 1800-888-828.

Vaccination is voluntary and free of charge.

However, Kula Segaran said imposing a June deadline on registrations is “completely unfair to those in rural areas”.

He also said there is still a lack of awareness and vaccine hesitancy is still high among some groups, which the government needs to overcome.

There are some people in cities that are still unsure if they should take the vaccine due to the spread of false information and it goes to show that the government still has a huge task ahead to convince them.

“Forcing the matter through a deadline is not the right way.”

Instead, he added, the government and elected representatives should be assisting the people with vaccine registrations.

“No one should be denied the right for vaccines.”

Kula Segaran said he has run a registration drive in Buntong, in his constituency, by engaging volunteers to show people how to register using the MySejahtera app.

“Many have not registered as they do not know how to do it and some don’t have mobile phones. Some also expressed concern about the possible side effects of taking the vaccine. All matters raised were answered by our team of volunteers.” – March 23, 2021.

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  • Hello YB Kula Segaran. Three months is sufficient to remind the rakyat about the registration process. I understand that there five methods to register for vaccination process. If one one is not electronic savvy, he can always register at the nearest health clinic centre. The process takes only a few minutes. So what's the hush?

    Posted 3 years ago by SYED ABDULLAH BIN MOHAMED · Reply