All eyes on November 2 Parliament sitting

Tan Yih Pey

No-confidence motion and the tabling of Budget 2021 will be the key focus at the upcoming Parliament sitting on November 2, say analysts. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, October 18, 2020.

ALL eyes will be on the no-confidence motion and Budget 2021 in the final Parliament sitting of the year starting November 2, said analysts.

However, it is doubtful if the motion will be debated, said political analyst Ong Ooi Heng.

Ong said that Parliament’s order of business is determined by de facto law minister Takiyuddin Hassan, but due to PAS’ close relationship with Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, it is unlikely the motion will reach the floor.

“Ministers can also propose a no-confidence motion. But while there are many of them, including those from Umno, will they do it?” Ong asked.

“If Umno does not do this, it means the party is not as divided as everyone thinks.”

Going by what Dewan Rakyat Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun had said when questioned by Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah on the motion, Ong said it was unlikely he will allow it to be debated.

Azhar had said government business takes precedence over private members’ bills in Parliament.

On Friday, 11 Amanah and five Pejuang lawmakers, including Dr Mahathir Mohamad, submitted separate motions for a confidence vote for Muhyiddin, on grounds the House has lost faith in the prime minister’s ability to lead.

It was later reported the Dewan Rakyat Secretary’s Office received 30 motions from 25 MPs for the next sitting.

Azhar said all the motions submitted will be scrutinised and considered in accordance with the rules of the lower house.

Political scientist Prof Wong Chin Huat said Azhar had already said government business comes ahead of private members’ bills.

Wong said a second threat to Muhyiddin’s government will come from Budget 2021.

“If the budget is defeated, Muhyiddin will look extremely weak even without a no-confidence motion,” said Wong.

Budget 2021 is scheduled to be tabled on November 6, with debates starting on November 9. The vote for second reading is scheduled for December 10. If the budget is rejected, that will be the first signal Muhyiddin’s government has fallen.

Under the Westminster parliamentary system, the speaker can still interpret it differently by offering the ruling party more time to negotiate with opposition parties before submitting the budget for another vote.

Muhyiddin has a razor-thin majority of just 113 MPs supporting him in the 222-seat Dewan Rakyat. – October 18, 2020.

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  • It's just a date as the speaker is well taken care off to allow Pak Din and company to live another day.

    Posted 3 years ago by Teruna Kelana · Reply