After calls to make way for Tian Chua, Batu MP’s car pelted with eggs

Batu MP P Prabakaran found his car was pelted with eggs after a late night meeting, saying it was over calls for him to step down. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, November 16, 2019.

BATU MP P. Prabakaran had eggs thrown at his Toyota Vellfire in Kuala Lumpur last night following calls for him to give up the seat to PKR’s Tian Chua through a by-election.

Prabakaran, 23, had responded by saying he would serve a full term.

The rear windshield of his vehicle was found to be pelted with eggs, after he finished a meeting at Jalan Ipoh at 12.30am, Prabakaran said in a police report as reported by Malaysiakini.

“I am making this report because I am concerned about my safety, especially with the ongoing issues,” according to his report cited by the news portal.

The report was lodged at the Sentul police station.

Prabakaran contested the Batu seat last year as an independent after Tian Chua, whose full name is Chua Tian Chang, was disqualified by the Election Commission (EC) over a court conviction.

Chua had been Batu MP from 2008 until last year.

PKR has supported Prabakaran’s campaign, and he joined the party after the general election.

After a court ruling last week that the EC had erred in barring Chua from contesting and now he could contest in future elections.

Immediately calls were sounded by several community groups, urging Prabakaran to give way to Chua.

In interviews with several Batu residents, The Malaysian Insight found people there were divided on having a poll just to usher Chua back into the seat, saying Prabakaran should be allowed to finish his term and that a by-election would be a waste of public funds. – November 16, 2019.

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  • Stay on! This is not a circus.

    Posted 4 years ago by CS Lee · Reply

  • Obviously the work of a bangsat who blindly supports Tian Chua. Tian Chua should speak up against this uncalled action.

    Posted 4 years ago by Rupert Lum · Reply

  • Could be those who are desperately trying to weaken PKR. Can't rule out other component parties of PH either.

    Posted 4 years ago by Arul Inthirarajah · Reply

  • These egg-pelters should be sent off for a holiday to Hong Kong where they can learn to throw eggs and other stuff properly.

    Posted 4 years ago by Simple Sulaiman · Reply

  • This is when I lose my respect for Tian Chua. Everything you did in the past to fight for Malaysian democracy is down the drain. This young man represents the future, you are the past. I am shocked that you b remaining silent want a democratically elected leader ( chosen by the public) to step down for your selfish ego. My advise to you is to join MCA. You are a complete disgrace to the movement for change. I am even more surprised that the PH leadership remains silent.

    Posted 4 years ago by Justin McGregor · Reply

  • The eggs should be directed at the previous EC team who has made a bad call on the matter for obvious reasons. Throwing it at the current Batu MP shows how low some quarters can be and by being silent Tian Chua himself is not helping the presents situation. Is there really a need for Prabakaran to make way for Tian Chua?? Are going to condone abusing of by elections as done previously?? Are these not bullying tactics applied?? If those who wants to see Tian Chua to become the Batu MP what is really gain here beside Tian Chua voice and presents are been felt again at Parliament and in the news?? Lets close ranks and be a gentleman.

    Posted 4 years ago by Teruna Kelana · Reply