Selangor ruler reviewing unilateral conversion bill, says MB

Selangor's Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is reviewing a state bill on unilateral conversion of minors to Islam. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, August 12, 2019.

THE bill on enacting unilateral conversion in Selangor is being reviewed by the sultan, Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari said today.

“We will make sure that this matter is discussed thoroughly, because some of the issues are related to the interpretation of the federal constitution. So, we have to refer back (to the constitution),” he told reporters in Shah Alam today.

“At the moment, the Selangor sultan is also reviewing the paper,” he added,e referring to Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

The decision on whether to table the Islamic Administration Enactment Bill will be made after consultation with all parties.

“I would have to refer to him (about the matter) after consultation with all parties and leaders in Selangor, as well as at the federal level,” he added.

“I would have to refer to His Highness (about the matter) after consultation with all parties and leaders in Selangor, as well as at the federal level,” he added

“It is a constitutional issue and we have to discuss within a constitutional framework. Of course, from certain religious perspectives, we also want to follow the legal framework or the constitution framework.”

He said the bill is currently being scrutinised and the state government will determine the next course of action once a decision has been made. 

On why was the matter not raised by the previous administration, under Mohamed Azmin Ali, Amirudin said it was considered during those years and it was being planned by religious authorities. 

He said the move also received open support from Pakatan Harapan, PAS and Barisan Nasional.

Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Zuraida Kamaruddin had recently urged Amirudin to explain his push for unilateral conversion of minors.

“I have to meet Zuraida to understand the context of her statement.”

However, Amirudin said he has no problem providing the explanation sought by the housing and local government minister.

The proposed amendment  seeks to change the current requirement of both parents for religious conversion of minors to that of either parent. – August 12, 2019.

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  • Nobody is above the law. Follow the Constitution.

    Posted 4 years ago by James Wong · Reply

  • Very stupid MB

    Posted 4 years ago by Kinetica Cho · Reply