Briton jailed over false VIP child sex abuse claims

A £2 million police probe has failed to uncover any evidence to support Carl Beech’s claims that he was sadistically raped and abused in the 1970s and 1980s by several famous figures, including former prime minister Edward Heath. – EPA pic, July 26, 2019.

A MAN who falsely accused British establishment figures of involvement in a murderous VIP paedophile ring, triggering a huge police investigation, was jailed today for 18 years.

Carl Beech, 51, claimed that he had been sadistically raped and abused in the 1970s and 1980s by several famous figures, including former prime minister Edward Heath.

The explosive allegations gripped British newspapers, politicians and the police.

But his claims, which led to a £2 million (RM10 million) police probe, were completely fabricated.

Beech, a former children’s charity worker and nurse, was jailed on 12 counts of perverting the course of justice, one of fraud, and also voyeurism and possession of indecent images.

Beech claimed three children had been murdered by the group and said his abusers included the disgraced late television presenter Jimmy Savile and the heads of the British intelligence services.

Judge James Goss told Beech: he had “deliberately, repeatedly and maliciously told lies to the police”, following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court in northeast England that lasted more than two months.

“You are an intelligent, resourceful, manipulative and devious person.

“You accused living persons of the highest integrity and decency of vile acts.”

Beech was referred to as “Nick” during the police investigation.

Detectives raided the homes of Edwin Bramall, a former army chief and World War II veteran, and the late Leon Brittan, a former European commissioner.

Beech’s allegations began appearing in the press in 2014, raising the pressure on police to investigate after they were widely criticised for failing to bring Savile to justice before his death.

The police officer leading the investigation, Kenny McDonald, described Beech’s allegations as “credible and true” on television news bulletins in December 2014.

But police could not find any evidence to support his sensational claims and the investigation was stopped in 2016. – AFP, July 26, 2019.

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