Mat Hasan believes Umno-PAS ‘tsunami’ will swallow Pakatan

Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan says Prime Minister Dr Mahathir is too late, the Umno-PAS alliance has already united the Malays. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, July 6, 2019.

UMNO and PAS’s political co-operation will unite Malays into a powerful force that will defeat Pakatan Harapan, Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan said tonight.

In an attempt to pour cold water on Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s invitation to Malays to join Bersatu, Mohamad said Umno and PAS had already unified Malays more than Bersatu could ever hope to do.

“Umno and PAS will be a Malay force that has never been seen before. It will be a tsunami that will swallow up Bersatu and PH.

“We will prove that our political co-operation is powerful and sustainable.

“It is good of Dr Mahathir to call for Malay unity, but Umno and PAS have already done it,” Mohamad said in a statement tonight.

Bersatu chairman Dr Mahathir yesterday said all Malay parties, including Umno, should join Bersatu for the sake of unity.

Several Umno leaders immediately rejected his invitation.

Mohamad tonight said Dr Mahathir only made the invitation because he knew that Bersatu was weak.

“Malays became more disunited and Malay political influence has declined ever since Dr Mahathir started Bersatu.

“It became worse when Bersatu became allies with DAP to defeat Umno. Since PH formed the federal government, Malays realise that Bersatu cannot speak for them.

“That’s why Malays are not rushing to join Bersatu.”

He said Umno remained the largest Malay political party and had been speaking up for the race for seven decades. – July 6, 2019.

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  • Only the righteous and clean people can bring about a tsunami, trust me. You may see for yourself what happened in GE13 and GE14.

    Posted 5 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply

  • Losers talking big

    Posted 5 years ago by Mo Salleh · Reply

  • Im for Malay unity but must be on a willing buyer and willing seller concept.

    Posted 5 years ago by Razman Yahaya · Reply

  • Hahahahahaha, I thought Mat Hassan would be different from Zahid.

    Posted 5 years ago by SY L · Reply

  • You call for Malay unity thruUmmah !!!!!. You call to Pertahankan Bangsa dan Agama!!!. You call to Pertahankan Bahasa!!! You call to Pertahankan Adat. Everything you have called BUT what have you as a Malay race pertahankan when you try to talk, smell,eat and totally imitate everything that is Arab !! You have completely sold yourselves out to be abled to claim as Malay anymore . From language to culture and even simply to dressing as well. You have even learn to drink camel urine as what the Arab practice and declare it as Almighty gifts. You have lost your identity and infact you should declare yourselves as non Malay. You shamed your selves in all vices and declare that it is sharia compliant. So !!! UmnoPAS are you on ketum??? Do you have the rights to claim that you lead the Malay race to unity when you are the one killing off your race by robbing them poor and educate them stupid as what the Middle East Pak Unta are doing by killing each other off happily.You are a misfit in the society of advancement practising meritocracy. Again what are you guys rambling about. Honestly no takers on your unity movement except for loosers and hardcore retards who cannot be independent on their own to survive.

    Posted 5 years ago by Lee Lee · Reply

  • Malays?? All they have done is to be more Islamic and copy arabs. Last i read is arab are not malays. Only have same religion. Chinese are buddhist, taoist, christian etc. But still chinese. No need to imitate another race

    Posted 5 years ago by Kenneth Tan · Reply

  • UMNO is also the largest Malay corrupted party..

    Posted 5 years ago by Steven Yaap · Reply