India moves step closer to extraditing Zakir Naik

Zakir Naik is wanted in India for alleged money laundering and authorities there are inching closer to extraditing him from Malaysia, where he is a permanent resident. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, June 9, 2019.

INDIA is one step shy of securing a red notice for the arrest of Zakir Naik after the nation’s Enforcement Directorate (ED) obtained a non-bailable warrant for the Islamic preacher, currently residing in Malaysia.

The Times Now news portal in India said the agency secured the non-bailable warrant from a Mumbai special court after filing a charge sheet against Naik and other suspects, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

With the warrant, the ED will apply to Interpol for a red notice, which places Naik on a wanted list for all Interpol member countries. A warrant or an equivalent court order is necessary for a red notice to be granted.

Indian authorities previously tried and failed to secure a red notice in December 2017, cancelled because Naik had yet to be charged.

In this case, the court adjourned to a June 19 hearing on the charge sheet against Naik.

The Indian government regards Naik as a “hate preacher”, who has allegedly incited followers to terrorism.

He is also alleged to have committed money laundering and is liable to proceedings under the country’s Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, based on the warrant obtained by the ED.

Naik is a permanent resident in Malaysia, granted the right to reside as long as he does not “cause problems”.

Malaysia is an Interpol member and has also signed an extradition treaty with India. – June 9, 2019.

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  • Good news and let's wait for the extradition for this fugitive to answer the money laundering and terrorist activities. Good move by India!

    Posted 5 years ago by Swaminaidu Venkatasamy · Reply

  • Umno and Pas and extremist NGOs will call for mass rally to pressure PH especially coward Tun M to pull out from interpol and also cancel the extradiction treaty with India.To the extremist like Hadi and Umno joining Interpol is a threat against Islam,Malays and royalty?

    Posted 5 years ago by Ron Gan · Reply

  • Keep on going India get this Scumbag naik back to India.

    Posted 5 years ago by Danial Abdullah · Reply

  • Permanent Resident status does not give any fugitives and criminals asylum rights. Even citizens can be extradited to face money laundering charges.

    Posted 5 years ago by Roger 5201 · Reply

  • Malays or Muslims are well known in the world to help breed n cover up Terror n Terrorists. Nothing new if UMNO PAS BN rally for zakir. They all come from the same breed. Just Pray to Almighty that tis guy get lost from malaysia.

    Posted 5 years ago by Mindy Singh · Reply

  • Bagus lah ni! Hoooraaay!!! Balik home town India.

    Posted 5 years ago by Anjing kawan Kucing Comel · Reply