PLUS to propose speed cameras on Penang Bridge

Firemen preparing cables during an operation to retrieve an SUV, which plunged into the sea after a crash on the Penang Bridge, today. The crash occurred on Sunday. – The Malaysian Insight pic by David ST Loh, January 22, 2019.

PLUS Malaysia Bhd will propose that the government install speed cameras on the Penang Bridge and increase the number of cameras on all PLUS highways.

Managing director Azman Ismail said this is to reduce the number of accidents.

“At present, the Penang Bridge only has closed-circuit television cameras. Our proposal is to increase (the number of) speed cameras on our highways, including the Penang Bridge,” he told reporters after the launch of Op Selamat 14 for Chinese New Year at the Seremban R&R area (northbound) today.

The event was launched by Deputy Inspector-General of Police Noor Rashid Ibrahim.

Azman said the installation of speed cameras requires local authorities’ nod.

He added that PLUS will review the need to lower the speed limit on the Penang Bridge and increase the height of the bridge’s wall barrier if the findings of a probe into an accident at Km4 over the weekend show it is necessary.

“It depends on the findings of the investigation into the accident there. At present, the speed limit on the bridge is 80kph, and the wall barrier is in accordance with British Standard 5400.”

The rate of fatal accidents on the Penang Bridge dropped by 54% last year compared with 2017, he said.

“In 2017, there were 13 fatal accidents, compared with the six recorded last year. In the case of accidents (in general), there was a drop of 4%, from 345 to 332.”

On Sunday, a Mazda CX-5 SUV plunged into the sea after an accident with a Toyota Vios on the Penang Bridge.

It was the fifth such crash to occur on the bridge since 2010. – Bernama, January 22, 2019.

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