Stop being narrow-minded about dancing, critics told

Noel Achariam

Judicial Appointments Commission member Mah Weng Kwai says people should be able to distinguish between personal friendships and discharging one’s professional duties. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, January 20, 2019.

THOSE who criticised Chief Justice Richard Malanjum and Attorney-General Tommy Thomas for dancing at a dinner event should stop being narrow-minded and ultra-conservative, said Judicial Appointments Commission member Mah Weng Kwai.

He said people should be able to distinguish between personal friendships and discharging one’s professional duties.

“I think it’s time for Malaysians to change our mindsets of narrow-mindedness and ultra-conservatism to one of interactive exchange of fellowship at a social event,” Mah told The Malaysian Insight.

“It was not as if the chief justice was holding hands with the attorney-general and dancing one-to-one in a nightclub.”

He was responding to criticisms of Malanjum for dancing with Thomas and “pro-Pakatan Harapan” lawyers such as former Malaysian Bar president Ambiga Sreenevasan and prominent activist Siti Kassim.

“They were not the only ones dancing. It was one whole group that went up to enjoy the music.

“To say that they are unethical and unprofessional is not right,” he said.

The gala dinner hosted by the Sabah Law Society was in conjunction with the opening of Legal Year 2019 in Kota Kinabalu over the weekend.

Mah, who was at the dinner on Friday night, said it was a happy occasion and it was good to see the stakeholders in the legal industry having fun.

“It was good to see the attorney-general and everyone getting together out of office.  

“People must be able to distinguish what goes on in a social event, opposed to what is official in the courts and offices.”

Mah, who is also Suhakam commissioner, said he did not know where these people were getting their information from, and that their take on the matter was almost perverted.

“I don’t see how there can be any objection to the various stakeholders coming together and enjoying each other’s company in a social event. This should be seen as another aspect of working together.” – January 20, 2019.

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  • It is wrong wrong and wrong.

    Posted 5 years ago by It's me GR · Reply

  • Well said Mah. If the doctrine of separation of powers is taken to absurd lengths then judges and the AG should not be appointed by the executive or parliament but only by the Agong.

    Posted 5 years ago by Gerard Lourdesamy · Reply

  • "Dancing" is just a lame excuse to hit out at the CJ and AG. These parties were deadly against their appointment in the first place and so they will pick on any straw to hit out at them.

    Posted 5 years ago by Ravinder Singh · Reply