Anti-ICERD rally necessary to counter non-Muslim majority in parliament, says Hadi

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang says anti-ICERD rally must proceed as planned on December 8 in Kuala Lumpur. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 2, 2018.

PAS insisted an anti-ICERD rally must proceed as planned on December 8 even though the government has said it would not ratify the treaty due to the Malay outcry.

Party president Abdul Hadi Awang said the Dewan Rakyat would ensure Malaysia ratified the the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) because Muslim MPs were outnumbered by their non-Muslim colleagues.

“Within the Pakatan Harapan government, 66 Parliament seats are held by non-Muslims, while only 58 are held by Muslims. I don’t know how this came to be.

“However, do not use this to approve ICERD and this is why we will continue with the anti-ICERD rally. It’s not that we want to incite chaos, we want to protest,” Hadi was quoted as saying on Sinar Harian, today.

Hadi said this during a keynote address at a Terengganu PAS leadership meeting in Kemaman, yesterday.

He said the Amanah MPs could not be relied on to support Muslims as they were DAP lackeys.

There are 222 members of parliament, of which 140 are Muslim and 82 are not. 

Malaysia is one of 14 countries yet to ratify the convention. – December 2, 2018.

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  • Hey Hadi Duddy....every time you open your mouth, it amazes me how time time you dedicate in thinking about non issues. Also you rather have a 100% corrupt government and kill the nation or make it like Afghanistan. You know that way people dont question your gaji buta . Try spending more time improving your states economy instead of begging for finance from taxing paying us. Can you, can you?

    Posted 5 years ago by Alphonz Jayaraman · Reply

  • Hadi obviously cant count or trying to fool the rural folks. I have no doubt its the latter - which is not a surprise as Hadi speaks with forked tongue and is worse than snake.

    Posted 5 years ago by Rupert Lum · Reply

  • Very sad for all Malaysians if the kind of mentality spreads.

    Posted 5 years ago by Concerned Citizen · Reply

  • The sieged mentality lives on even until today.

    Posted 5 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply

  • Hadi awang Pls DO NOT FORGET IT IS NON MALAY WHO GAVE THE WAKE UP CALL TO THE MALAYS ABT CORRUPTION N KLEPTOCRACY HAPPENING IN MSIA. We help the malays to save malaysia . With all malays in BN UMNO cabinet See what happen to malaysia coffers Are u blind hadi can't u see how the malays brought msia close to Bankruptcy HADI DOES NOT HOW TO READ N WRITE ENGLISH SO HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND ICERD.

    Posted 5 years ago by Tharan Singh · Reply

  • Hadi rally not goin to solve ur problem . Bcoz u malays are always NOT SATISFIED , NOT CONTENTED N NOT THANKFULL TO GOD kind of People HADI MAY U ROT IN HELL

    Posted 5 years ago by Tharan Singh · Reply

  • And of the 140 how many are facing charges of corruption, money laundering abuse of power? All haram actions. And how many of the 82 have been charged for the same? So the argument in favour of Muslims in government is what?

    Posted 5 years ago by Malaysia New hope · Reply