Unlimited rail and bus passes for locals only, says minister

Chan Kok Leong

Transport Minister Anthony Loke says the proposed unlimited bus and rail passes will only apply to Malaysians and will be implemented through identity cards. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, November 5, 2018.

THE Budget 2019 proposal for unlimited Rapid bus and rail passes is for Malaysians only and will be implemented through the MyKad and MyTentera identifications cards, the transport minister said today.

The move is also aimed at boosting public transportation ridership numbers, Anthony Loke told a press conference in Putrajaya.

“On top of that, the move is aimed at helping the B40 and M40 groups reduce their cost of living,” said Loke.

Loke said the proposal, scheduled to begin on January 1, 2019, will be implemented through the Touch&Go function in MyKad and MyTentera identification cards.

The cards can be topped up at places that offer Touch&Go top-up counters.

“The aim of the RM100 and RM50 30-day passes for Rapid buses and rail is aimed at encouraging more Malaysians to use public transportation in the Klang Valley.”

It will also help communities get additional savings.

The proposed unlimited bus and rail passes under Budget 2019 is to encourage public transport ridership. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Afif Abd Halim, November 5, 2018.

Loke said those who travelled from Kajang to KLCC currently had to pay RM280 per month or RM6.40 one way (RM5.40 for rail and RM1 for feeder busses).

“But with the 30-day pass, the user only has to pay RM100 and save RM180 per month.”

On Friday, the government announced a budget of RM240 million per annum to encourage more Malaysians to use public transportation in Klang Valley.

Malaysians will have the choice of either paying RM100 for obtaining unlimited Rapid rail and bus rides for 30 days or RM50 for unlimited Rapid bus rides only.

The rail option covers LRT1 and 2, MRT1 and BRT. The initiative will be launched in early December and users can get the passes after that.

Currently, ridership for rail is estimated to be at 30%, with some 268,000 unique riders per day.

Loke said the existing 50% discount given to senior citizens, students and disabled Malaysians will still apply.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke says the current 50% discount given to senior citizens, students and the disabled will still apply. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, November 5, 2018.

The Rapid bus and rail passes, however, does not extend to KTM Komuter due to costs and different ticketing systems.

“KTM Komuter trips are longer and hence cost more. The RM100 will not be able to cover the costs. Furthermore, Rapid and KTM have different ticketing systems and it’s not integrated yet.

“But we are also working to see how we can reduce costs for users using KTM Komuter too,” Loke added.

Meanwhile, the government is hopeful that a good take-up rate for the passes could result in cost savings.

“While we have already allocated RM240 million for this, a higher take-up (above 120,000 users) will lower the subsidies,” said Loke.

For the rail and bus option, the government has to pay RM12 million per month for 120,000 users. But for each additional 10,000 users, the subsidy will be lowered by RM1 million due to economies of scale, said Loke. – November 5, 2018.

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    Posted 5 years ago by CHEE Meng Ng · Reply

  • Please.make the city a tourist friendly city, like Taipei. Make Malaysia a fascinating place for world travellers.

    Posted 5 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply

  • They should make it accessible for foreign workers too as many are not making above what our B40 makes. And they're doing the 4D jobs that Malaysians don't want. It's only right...

    Posted 5 years ago by Gaik Cheng Khoo · Reply

  • Please can you also ensure that the free bus service - Go KL is available free of charge to Malaysians - they can tap their ICs for free service. Foreigners and illegals should be charged full bus fare. Otherwise you see foreigners crowding the bus and locals are reluctant to use it.

    Posted 5 years ago by Baldev Singh · Reply