Selangor contract for Hannah Yeoh’s husband above board, says MACC

Hannah Yeoh is the youth and sports minister whose husband has been awarded a government contract. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 27, 2024.

THE Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has found no sign of power abuse in the Selangor government awarding a transport contract to a company linked to the husband of Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh, New Straits Times reports.

MACC chief Azam Baki said Asia Mobility Technologies Sdn Bhd (Asia Mobiliti) did not get the contract from the minister’s office but from the Selangor government.

He said it is not illegal for a person to receive a contract or benefit from an agency or entity not related to him.

“In the case of Yeoh’s husband, from what I have read in media reports, he has received a contract from the Selangor government while she is the youth and sports minister There is no relationship between the ministry and the Selangor government. The project that was awarded is a project from another entity,” Azam said.

“I don’t see any wrongdoing in the awarding of the contract.”

The Selangor government had defended the appointment of Hannah’s husband’s company for its Selangor Mobility initiative.

State Investment, Trade and Mobility Committee chairman Ng Sze Han said Asia Mobiliti was one of two companies selected for the demand responsive transit (DRT) pilot project, apart from Badan Bas Coach Sdn Bhd.

Yesterday MCA Youth secretary-general Saw Yee Fung said MACC must thoroughly investigate the case to ensure the minister’s husband, Ramachandran Muniandy, was not benefitting from nepotism or preferential treatment.

Earlier today, Asia Mobiliti defended its involvement in Selangor’s new DRT service, saying only two companies in the country are qualified to provide the required services.

In a statement, it said its appointment was made known nearly a year ago. – May 27, 2024.

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