The Dubai movers

Mustafa K. Anuar

Flying to Dubai to hatch a plot to topple the government may not be too high on the to-do lists of our politicians. – Dubai International Airport/EPA pic, January 7, 2024.

Commentary by Mustafa K. Anuar

THE grapevine was abuzz lately about the so-called Dubai Move, a term indicating a cohort of like-minded politicians hatching a plot to topple the government.

Unlike the previous Sheraton Move, named after a hotel in Petaling Jaya where the plotters secretly met, this one was called as such because a similar meeting was supposedly held in Dubai.

Dubai, about seven and half hours away from Malaysia by air, is a tourist destination, with its stunning architecture, majestic skyscrapers, fancy hotels and desert safari.

Although these facets of Dubai could be irresistible to many, it is quite unlikely the purported plotters would want to spend much time there, given their heavy schedule as MPs.

Surely their priorities are to ensure the people’s welfare, particularly those confronted with floods and high living costs.

Equally important, these politicians are busy planning to grow the economies of the states they govern. Flying to Dubai would be an unwelcome distraction.

Furthermore, some politicians are duly expected to be in the country to vigilantly monitor attempts to stage musical concerts that are inimical to Eastern values and the wearing of shorts in public places.

It would obviously be a dereliction of duty if they were to put their own political interests before the people’s plight and concerns by flying to Dubai for the alleged meeting at this juncture.

Mind you, these are not fly-by-night politicians. They are seasoned and have a moral compass in hand to help them separate the wheat from the chaff.

Besides, as thought-provoking Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor rightly pointed out, meetings of this nature could be held anywhere in the country, hence his suggestions of “Chow Kit Move”, “Bera Move” and “Sembrong Move”. Time would not be wasted travelling across the seas.

Indeed, time is of the essence, especially for people not destined to patiently wait for the next general election to grab federal power. They have already tasted power, the brief spell of which left a bad taste in their mouths.

To show its political seriousness, the opposition dangled before the public the idea that Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar could be prime minister.

There might, nonetheless, have been a few politicians who did go to Dubai, but only for their well-deserved holidays after much hard work.

It is noteworthy that the business establishments there are shariah-compliant, which is important for halal-conscious travellers among Malaysians.

To be sure, it is a place where you can get anything and everything money can buy, especially if you’re flush with cash. Or, better still, if you have cash stashed in foreign banks.

Apart from glittering jewellery for the wives, those with a taste for luxury cars may want to spend some time looking at the latest models in the city’s showrooms.

Or, some of them may also want to visit the modern city on their way to the nearby holy land for their umrah, which hopefully would earn them extra rewards in the afterlife. A recharge of sorts may be helpful.

Irrespective of who makes a calculated move and where, ordinary Malaysians would only be moved if their interests and concerns are truly prioritised. – January 7, 2024.

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  • Brilliant tongue-in-cheek writing.

    Posted 6 months ago by Arul Inthirarajah · Reply

  • Mind you these MPs are very responsible and rakyat conscious politicians. They would do anything for the benefit of we the rakyat and the country.....and of course race.

    Posted 6 months ago by G Tan · Reply