Teresa Kok gets 2 bullets in mail

Teresa Kok is seen here with the letter and bullets she received in her mailbox. – Facebook pic, May 19, 2024.

LAWMAKER Teresa Kok has received a death threat in her mail that was accompanied with two bullets.

The Seputeh MP said she found the letter and bullets inside her mailbox last night.

The former primary industries minister immediately lodged a report with the police.

“I was checking my mailbox at my residence last night and I found an envelope with something heavy in it.

“When I opened it, I saw two bullets with a piece of paper and written on it were the words ‘C*b*ilu Cina?!!! Lu Akan Mati!!! TUNGGU!!!’,” she wrote.

She showed the said letter and pictures of police inspecting the mailbox at her residence.

“I’m grateful for the swift action from the police,” she said. – May 19, 2024.

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