Court denies govt bid to stay costs awarded to Indira Gandhi

Fifteen years on, M. Indira Gandhi is still waiting to be reunited with her youngest child, who was snatched by her Muslim convert father in 2009. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 4, 2023.

THE High Court today dismissed the government’s application to stay the execution of costs awarded to by M. Indira Gandhi, Free Malaysia Today reports.

Justice Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah said the application lacked merit and that there were no special circumstances to justify such an order.

He also said the High Court does not have jurisdiction to stay a judgment of the Court of Appeal.

Indira was awarded a total of RM14,000 by the High Court and Court of Appeal in  2021 and 2022. She was also awarded costs of RM2,000.

She was represented by Rajesh Nagarajan and Pavitra Loganathan.

Today’s ruling is connected to Indhira’s nonfeasance suit against the inspector-general of police, police force and federal government, who were represented by senior federal counsel Andi Razalijaya A Dadi and FC Safiyyah Omar.

Indira filed her case in 2020, citing police inaction in executing a warrant for her estranged husband Muhammad Riduan Abdullah. 

Indira is looking to be reunited with her youngest child, Prasana Diksa, who was snatched by Riduan in 2009.

In 2014, Riduan, a Muslim convert, was ordered by Ipoh High Court to return Prasana to her mother but failed to do so, leading to a mandamus order by the court compelling the then IGP to arrest him.

Riduan had unilaterally converted the couple’s three children to Islam.  The court granted Indira custody of her three children after finding their conversion to be unlawful. – December 4, 2023.

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  • If the government does not follow court orders it will become illegitimate fast. If the Madani government has no heart for a mother that has Ben put through hell due to religious political play, then Madani means nothing.

    Posted 7 months ago by Loyal Malaysian · Reply