Groups question introduction of single-language classes in school

Noel Achariam

Page chairman Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim says parents are unclear of the ministry’s direction. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 4, 2023.

PARENT Action Group for Education (Page) said the Education Ministry (MOE) should come clean on single-language classes to be introduced next year.

Chairman Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said it was not against the move to implement single-language class classes in schools.

“This position however is strictly subject to the premise that no child should be forced into a (single-language class).

“Regardless of any conditions or pre-qualifications that the school or MOE uses to determine if a child is to be put into a dual language programme (DLP) or non-DLP class, the choice must be left to the parents,” she said.

Education Minister Minister Fadhlina Sidek said schools that have fully implemented DLP classes this year could continue with the programme to teach in Malay and English.

“There is no problem. We will start with one non-DLP class starting next year,” she said.

Last week, former education minister Radzi Jidin said he had received several complaints from parents in Kuala Lumpur who said schools had backtracked on their decision to teach in dual languages.

Former education minister Radzi Jidin has received complaints from parents and concludes the policy that was communicated through a circular was not clear. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 4, 2023.

“I received complaints from parents and what I can conclude is that the policy that was communicated through a circular was not clear.

“The parents were promised that their children who entered Standard 1 would be studying under the DLP but were later informed that they will be transferred to a normal programme instead.

“The parents are unclear of the ministry’s direction. The ministry should explain why,” he said.

Noor Azimah said to implement one non-DLP class is not in the existing DLP guidelines which are contained in the Special Circular Letter of the Education Ministry Malaysia Number 3 Year 2020.

She said Page do not think that any parent would complain if their child had been put into the language of teaching of their choice.

“This question will not arise if parents’ wishes are met. Please respect and provide for the parents’ choice.”

As for schools’ autonomy on DLP, Noor Azimah said that science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) must be taught in English.

“The autonomy should be that schools respond to the request and wishes of the parents.

“Even if the child may not be fluent in English, schools should ensure that the child has mastered the language enough to follow STEM and offer DLP as the child makes this progress.

“Sometimes the school and teachers work against the wishes of the parents who have higher aspirations for their children.

“It is also unfortunate that some teachers do not want to get out of their comfort zone to teach in the language that is desired.”

She added that autonomy for DLP is with the school at this juncture, for those schools who have met the DLP criteria.

“However, principals are cautious and would not go against the orders from the top. Sarawak state on the other hand has exercised autonomy to ensure that all schools are 100% DLP.”

In 2016, about 300 schools were in the DLP pilot project that gave them the option to teach Science and Mathematics in English.

Parents were given the freedom to enrol their children in the programme.

There are now 2,240 DLP schools in the country comprising 1,613 primary and 807 secondary schools.

Magpie chairman Mak Chee Kin says it makes no sense to force open a Bahasa Malaysia class in fully DLP schools. – Facebook pic, December 4, 2023.

Open more DLP schools to cater to demand

Meanwhile, Melaka Action Group for Parents in Education (Magpie) chairman Mak Chee Kin said it makes no sense to force open a Bahasa Malaysia (BM) class in fully DLP schools.

“Why disturb the ecosystem in these schools when they are doing fine?” he said.

“MOE should help strengthen the implementation of DLP in these schools like what Sarawak is doing.

“Why give unnecessary stress to the teachers and school management with such a directive?

“Furthermore, parents who want to enroll their kids there knew these are fully DLP.”

He said the issue is to open more DLP schools to cater to the needs as this is the main grievance of parents as highlighted in the media.

“Obviously it is falling on deaf ears of our MOE. Never before have we heard parents asking for more BM classes. Why is our MOE so adamant?

“If at all they need BM classes, there are so many available and in most cases can be found easily.

“There are only 5.3% primary and about 30% secondary schools offering the DLP.

“It saddens us that the MOE is taking the plight and grievance of parents so lightly.” – December 4, 2023.

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  • Both the minister and deputy minister of education have to be sacked. They keep on stressing parents with their useless policies. If there is a cabinet reshuffle, please get rid of these two before they damage further the education of our children. If Mahathir can sack Mazslee Malik, Anwar can also sack these two.

    Posted 7 months ago by T E · Reply

  • PMX, courage is not shown by grandstanding for Gaza. Any fool can do that.
    Real courage is making the structural changes in education policy and implementation that can make our children better prepared for a global economy. Is PMX still spooked by the hard right Malay fringe?

    Posted 7 months ago by Arul Inthirarajah · Reply

  • Policy wise intentions are good. But implementation wise is screwed up.

    Posted 7 months ago by JS Lau · Reply

  • Dumbing down the population works in favour of far right and conservative politicians. Dictators win power easier when education standards are low.

    Posted 7 months ago by Malaysia New hope · Reply