New species of lizard discovered in Peru national park

A new species of lizard, named ‘Proctoporus titans’, has been found at the Otishi National Park in Cusco, Peru. – AFP/National System of Natural Areas Protected by the State handout, January 17, 2023.

SCIENTISTS have discovered a new species of lizard in a protected natural area in Cusco, southeastern Peru, national park officials said yesterday.

“Otishi National Park reveals a new species of lizard to science,” the National Service of State-Protected Natural Areas said in a statement. 

The new species, named “Proctoporus titans,” was found high in the Andes mountains at an altitude of 3,241m. 

The lizard is dark gray with yellow and gold flecks on its sides and head. It has a tail that is longer than its body, and grooved dorsal scales and prefrontal scales. 

The Otishi National Park is a protected area in the Cusco and Junín region, covering almost 306,000ha of mountainous forests. – AFP, January 17, 2023.

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