Covid made us homeless

Afif Abd Halim

THERE is more than one way to fall victim to Covid-19.

Sixteen months into the outbreak, many lives have been lost to the coronavirus. Many more livelihoods have been destroyed. Data from the Social Security Organisation show almost 100,000 people lost their jobs last year.

Some have lost the struggle to to keep a roof over their heads. People are sleeping under the bridge, in alleyways, and five-foot walkways.

As the coronavirus crisis continues, with no end in sight, the now empty streets of the city of Kuala Lumpur could become filled once more – with people who have lost everything to Covid-19.  – July 17, 2021.

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  • Thank you for altering . I want to excess but been blocked.

    Posted 3 years ago by David Mllr · Reply

  • One self confessed stupid clueless leader said this : I think if we go to the ground, we will probably find the kitchens of homes to be full''
    If he had really gone to the ground as the Malaysian Insight has done here, he would know some people don't even have a home let alone a kitchen.
    This clueless leader should just step down and let a more capable and caring person lead the country. He could very well save Malaysia by stepping down.
    But he is not out to save Malaysia, is he, or is he more concerned about saving his own political butt?

    Posted 3 years ago by Free Mind · Reply

  • And the Malaysian gomen is so proud of what they have been pitching

    Posted 3 years ago by Teruna Kelana · Reply