Syazwana Amir

Syazwana is a journalist with The Malaysian Insight.

E-mail: [email protected]

Thursday, 11 May 2023 06:58 PM

[VIDEO] The Untold Story: kisah gelap Anwar sentuh hati penonton

‘JUMPA lagi Azizah, jaga anak-anak’ Itu bait-bait ayat yang diungkapkan pada permulaan Anwar: The Untold Story menyentu...

Friday, 03 Feb 2023 09:18 AM

[WATCH] Racism would thrive under a Perikatan govt, says Adam Adli

MALAYSIA would be a hotbed of racism if Perikatan Nasional (PN) had formed the government after the recent general elect...

Monday, 26 Dec 2022 11:17 AM

[VIDEO] Manfaat ibu tunggal di Jepun

SEBAGAI negara maju, kerajaan banyak memberi bantuan dan manfaat buat ibu tunggal di Jepun. Nak tahu apa bantuan di sa...

Monday, 21 Nov 2022 04:13 PM

[VIDEO] We’re discussing a unity govt, not a PH, DAP govt, says Anwar

PAKATAN Harapan (PH) is working to form a unity government with Barisan Nasional (BN) for the country’s stability, Anwar...

1 comment

Saturday, 10 Sep 2022 08:13 AM

[VIDEO] Siapa 'YB' berkhidmat paling lama?

SELEPAS BN tumbang pada PRU14, banyak muka-muka baharu wakil rakyat iaitu lebih 90 daripada 222 ahli Parlimen.  N...

Thursday, 01 Sep 2022 08:18 PM

[VWATCH] Sri Ram credit team for victory, says there were just doing their job

FOLLOWING the Kuala Lumpur High Court’s decision to sentence Rosmah Mansor in her graft trial, lead prosecutor Gopal Sri...

Monday, 29 Aug 2022 10:10 AM

[WATCH] Who is alleged received political funds from UKSB?

DR Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin, Shafie Apdal, Anifah Aman, Hishammuddin Hussein, Reezal Merican and Khairy Jamalu...

Friday, 05 Aug 2022 09:31 AM

[WATCH] No one as capable as Anwar to be next PM, Rafizi says

THERE is no doubt Anwar Ibrahim is still Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) choice as prime minister candidate, as there is no other...


Thursday, 04 Aug 2022 06:07 AM

[WATCH] PKR does not fear multi-cornered fights in GE15, Rafizi says

PKR does not fear multi-cornered fights in the coming general election (GE15) but the focus now is to get the support of...

1 comment

Thursday, 04 Aug 2022 05:59 AM

[WATCH] PKR must work hard to win back disillusioned supporters, Rafizi says

PKR must work hard to get back their hardcore supporters as they are an intergral part in determining the outcome of the...


Thursday, 14 Jul 2022 08:06 PM

[VIDEO] Misteri kes kematian Nazrin Pengasas Cradle Fund

MAHKAMAH Tinggi pada Jun lalu telah membebaskan Samirah Muzaffar dan dua orang remaja daripada tuduhan membunuh Ketua Pe...

Saturday, 23 Apr 2022 09:57 AM

[WATCH] Policies are more important than personalities when voting, Adam says

PKR must have strong policies and not personalities as they head towards the 15th general election, former student activ...

Friday, 15 Apr 2022 12:29 PM

[VIDEO] Manfaat Al-Quran dalam bulan Ramadhan

BULAN Ramadhan bukan sahaja bulan yang istimewa kerana pada bulan ini Al-Quran diturunkan kepada Baginda Rasulullah SAW....

Saturday, 02 Apr 2022 06:11 PM

[WATCH] Malaysian Breast Cancer Survivors train to compete in IBPCP Dragon Boat Festival 2023

DESPITE facing a lot of challenges, Breast Cancer survivors have started their training to compete in IBPCP Dragon Boat...

Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022 09:00 AM

[WATCH] Muda can't go into GE15 alone, Amira says

YOUTH-based Muda cannot go into the 15th general election alone as they need the support of a large coalition to reach t...